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In the Big Apple, Logan's mother Evelyn had just left work and as she passed the baseball field where Logan and his friends used to hang out, she saw Mike and Chloe sitting on a park bench.

She paused in confusion for a few seconds before realizing that Mike was at his home in the mountains with his son. Evelyn immediately began to think the worst, but a few moments later she noticed that the two boys were gone, so she thought she had mistaken them for someone else and continued on her way.

Just before arriving home, she saw Helen, a good friend of hers as well as Mike's mother, and after the usual pleasantries between old friends, Evelyn asked her, "Aren't you with your family in Minneapolis?"

Helen, very confused, said, "My family stayed here in New York."

"Logan told me he was going to spend spring break with Mike at your house in the mountains," she replied.

"Mike is here in New York too."

"Then I must have misunderstood," Evelyn concluded sheepishly.

The two friends said goodbye and Evelyn went home very worried, trying to call her son, but he did not answer any of her calls. Evelyn flew into a rage, Logan knew well that the one thing his mother hated more than New York traffic was lying. One thing was for sure, she was in serious trouble.

It was night in the Intra-World, and Tycar, King of Haren, summoned his most trusted men to the castle: Tor and Cyrus.

"It has come to my attention that the Dark Lord's army is stealing parts to build a machine," the king announced.

"What do they need it for?" asked Gate cluelessly.

"What parts did they steal?" asked Cyrus insistently.

"They stole various power supplies and silicon stars."

"Silicon stars?" asked Gate, not knowing what this was about.

"I forgot that you are an earthling," "Silicon stars are energy rich minerals that grow in the Henek volcano and are used to power our planes and all machines that need a lot of energy."

"What can they do with all that energy?" asked the Guardian.

"I don't know, but it won't do any good," said the dejected king.

"What do we do now?"

"We must attack them with everything we have before they can do anything," advised Cyrus.

"No, that would be foolhardy, we must hope that our boys find the Rings, that is our only hope," said Tycar.

"We only have one Guardian ring and they have two, how much longer can we wait?"

"Patience, Cyrus, I have faith in these boys, we can succeed," the king concluded.

At the end of the discussion, the three agreed that the only hope for the Intraworld was to re-form the Guardians to face the looming threat of the Dark Lord.

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