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Dice found himself in the middle of a dense rain forest, the air was dry and it was hard to breathe, at one point the boy began to see a light in the distance. He followed it, thinking it was the exit, but the further he went, the hotter it got. When he finally approached the light, he realized that it was actually fire.

The forest he was in was on fire and the fire was burning towards him. Dice tried to escape by running to the other side. The boy was fast, but not fast enough, the fire was getting closer, his only solution was to create a seal that would allow him to escape. The only one possible was the Speed Seal, which allowed one to temporarily become faster than the speed of sound. The boy created and used it, and in no time at all, he was sowing fire, and after this superhuman run, as he caught his breath, he realized that he was standing in front of a door. Dice did not know whether to enter, but the approaching fire left him no choice, so he opened the door and walked through.

Sarah woke up in the middle of a desolate heath, it looked like a desert, but instead of sand there was only rock. The sky was cloudy and a rushing wind was blowing. She began to walk, but the further she went, the stronger the wind became. At one point, the wind became so strong that she could no longer walk, so she decided to use the shield seal, which allowed her to protect herself from the wind. She managed to get as far as a gloomy tower, it was made of embedded black bricks, she had no choice but to enter it. Inside the tower she found only a ledge where she could walk, nearby there were stairs leading up to the top of the tower, but beyond the ledge was emptiness, from there the wind came out, making it difficult to climb.

With much difficulty Sarah climbed the stairs, one step at a time, but suddenly she found herself in an attic, but it was not just any attic, it belonged to her old home, in Dallas, where were all the memories of her childhood and her parents before they split up and before she moved to New York.

With bright eyes she remembered the good times, she heard voices downstairs and ran to see who it was, but found no one. She went down to the street and saw her old neighborhood completely deserted, at one point a dust cloud began to rise, on the horizon Sarah saw a hurricane approaching. She ran to the opposite side of the tornado, to a rise where an old oak tree stood and took cover. In the distance, she saw her neighborhood being destroyed by the disaster and suddenly thought that maybe running away was not the way to survive the ordeal, so she decided to face her fears and walked toward the twister, letting its icy air envelop her.

Dice walked through the door and found himself at the foot of a huge volcano, he could not figure out what he was supposed to do, then he realized that it was the same volcano that stood near his hometown: Henek, where his father used to take him on family outings. He said he had never crossed a certain threshold of the volcano because it was there, when he was just twelve years old, that his father fell and died while climbing. The boy painstakingly climbed the volcano to a fork where his father had fallen, and from the day of his death he resolved never to return to the volcano. The boy was on the verge of giving up, but his desire to complete the test was too strong, so Dice braced himself and continued the climb, all the way to the summit.

At the top of the volcano, Dice found an opening in the rock face, he was exhausted but couldn't give up, it was close, so he struggled back up and went inside.

Inside he found nothing, there was just a pit of lava, something was glittering inside. He did not know what to do, but his instinct told him that he had to take a leap of faith to overcome his fear of the volcano, so he took courage and dipped his hand into the glowing lava.

Beyond the opening, Logan found himself in a church where the pastor was celebrating Sunday mass. The more he crossed the aisle, the more familiar this church seemed to him, suddenly he remembered that it was the church he used to go to as a child with his parents. He made his way to the pews where they usually sat, but found no one, and when he turned around, he found himself in a cemetery, with Jacob Davis' grave in front of him. A tear ran down Logan's face and broke on the barren grass, he closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was back in the church from before, but this time there was a bottomless crater in the middle of the church. Behind him the door of the church opened wide and outside was his family waiting for him, Logan would have liked to run towards them but inside he knew something was wrong, then he remembered his mentor's words to trust his instincts so he took a deep breath and jumped into the crater.

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