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Beyond the city of Haren and its surroundings, there was a vast empire full of different cities and civilizations: like the city of Hazcar, capital of the Frozen Valley. It was a region in the Intraworld, not far from the City of Light, characterized by huge crevasses and temperatures around -100°, moreover the valley had the highest mountain in the whole Intraworld: Mount Hazbern.

The Frozen Valley also had a very old legend, which said that only the inhabitants of the valley who passed the three mortal tests would be able to possess the Ice Ring and succeed in reuniting the long-divided tribes into one people.

This area remained abandoned for centuries after the Enter-World War, but there were four tribes that roamed the valley, and according to the lore, they were forbidden to enter the city because only when all the tribes were reunited by the Ice Lord would they have access to the capital: Hazcar.

There were two main tribes in the valley: the Sek, a tribe that lived in the north, in the middle of the crevasses that protected the group from the blizzards, and the Sayt, a sedentary tribe that lived in a large camp near the great city of Hazcar. There were smaller tribes as well.

Myzfer, second-in-command of the Armies of Darkness, the Dark Lord's army, had managed to get into the Intraworld thanks to the Ring of Darkness, which was found many years before Gate recruited the new Guardians. Their goal was to find the Glove of Dimensions, a magical artifact from the creation of the universe that could cross three dimensions, and the only object that could free the Dark Lord from his exile in the Dark World. The only problem was that this object was being held at Haren Castle.

Myzfer, arriving in the Intra-World along with Black, his second, and a number of thugs, had to find support in a city and the choice fell on Hazcar, the city was deserted and perfect for carrying out their plan.

The tribes of the Frozen Valley were enemies of each other, they were always in conflict, their goal was to conquer the territories of their enemies. It was very difficult for the Dark Army to live there, where there was always conflict, they needed to control the whole valley in order to start their war against Haren. At first, Myzfer and his army tried to control the tribes through guerrilla warfare and battles, but it was useless because the dark soldiers were not in their territory and it was very difficult to win in those harsh climatic conditions.

Myzfer and his men then settled in Hazcar's castle, a castle made of ice on the outside and stone on the inside, it was the only hospitable place in the whole valley, it was amazing how this castle made its guests feel comfortable and intimidated at the same time. The fortress hid extraordinary rooms, including a room with a wall made entirely of mirrors, which apparently could create a connection to other dimensions. There was also an underground room where events from the origins of Hazcar, including its legend, were engraved on the walls.

Myzfer understood that the only way to bring the tribes together was to find a resident worthy of possessing the ice ring.

It had been several years since the dark villains had settled in the Ice Capital. One day, a resident of the valley sneaked into Hazcar; he had heard that strangers had taken over the castle, and he wanted to see for himself, but was soon surprised by the soldiers, who captured him and locked him in the castle's cells.

The intruder was ready for interrogation and was taken to the interrogation room, Black opened the door wide and asked the intruder menacingly, "What were you doing in our territory?

"This is not your turf," he replied.

"I'm only going to ask you one more time."

"I heard rumors of foreigners occupying the sacred city, now I know they were true," the intruder replied in a cold tone, Black took a knife from its sheath, pointed it at the valley dweller's neck and said angrily, "Wrong answer.

"Stop," commanded Myzfer, who grabbed the subordinate's knife and said, "I will continue."

"Yes, my lady."

"Do you want to tell me what you were doing here or do I have to have Black kill you, he can't wait," the dark general admitted.

"All right," he said, "the truth is that I live here in Hazcar and I was just on my way home."

"According to you, I should believe that."

"You may not believe it, but it is the truth, I was banished from my tribe, the Sayt, because I could not adapt, they did not like it."

"You could be useful," he sneered, "what is your name?"

"My name is Vecron."

Vecron had been banished by the Sayt for his ruthlessness in battle and his heartlessness. He was condemned to wander the Frozen Valley for eternity, knowing that no rival tribe would ever take him in. Myzfer led Vecron into the underground hall.

"Do you know the legend?" she asked him.

"Yes, I know it."

"Then you know where the ring is."

"You will never get it, no one can survive the three deadly trials."

"I'm sure you will."

"No one has ever returned from there, do I look that stupid to you?"

"I offer you the chance to control the entire valley and take revenge on those who banished you, how can you refuse?" the dark commander suggested.

Vecron accepted the offer, it would be difficult if not impossible, but becoming the next king of Hazcar was now his goal.

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