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It was an overcast afternoon in Haren, the same morning the Guardian trainees had stayed at the castle to prepare for the big test after their last day of training. The three boys were very tense and gathered in the Master's Hall of the castle, waiting for dusk when the test would begin.

They remained silent, no one knew what to say, they were all thoughtful and worried, but at one point, the boys were joined by Gate, who was indeed the only one who could give advice as a guardian.

"Why are you so quiet?" asked Gate.

"We're tense because of the test," Sarah answered for the whole group.

"Yeah, that happened to me too."

"Can you give us some advice?" suggested Dice.

"The only advice I can give you is to trust your instincts, they will lead you straight to your goal."

The boys nodded, though they did not really understand what Gate was referring to, but this test would decide their fate and they would have to overcome themselves to complete it as best they could.

The sun began to set over the Intraworld, and the boys were on their way to the Caves of the Ancestors in a metallic bus. They were just south of Haren; they were the caves where, when a Guardian died, the Rings were stored, waiting for his successor to find them. This tradition had been passed down through generations of Guardians to this day.

They were left at the beginning of a dense thicket, continued through the sharp shrubs to their destination, came out in front of a huge clearing. In the middle was a lake with crystal clear water up to their knees, in front of this body of water was the entrance to a huge cave.

The three arrived at this pristine place, with them were Gate and Cyrus, only they would witness the test, no one else. The time had come, twilight had arrived and the boys were to enter the cave, it seemed dark and scary, but they braced themselves and entered the cave together.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, they suddenly found themselves in separate and completely different places.

Logan found himself at the top of a cliff, imagining he had to get to the other end to pass the test, but he would have to cross floating rock surfaces. The boy was confused; he could not understand how he had gotten to this place. Suddenly, he remembered Gate's words: he had to relax and trust his instincts, so he took courage and jumped onto one of those wobbly surfaces.

He landed on it and breathed a sigh of relief, but when he looked down he saw the emptiness below him, this was certainly not going to be a walk in the park. The closer Logan got to the other side of the cliff, the farther apart the floating rocks became, at one point the boy could no longer get to the next one by simply jumping, he was stuck on a rock in the middle of the void and he noticed that the rock was slowly sinking towards the abyss. He thought and thought about what he could do, but he had no idea, and the rock kept falling further into the void. Suddenly, he remembered a seal that he had never been able to create, but which could probably save his life: the Levitation Seal, which allowed any object to levitate in the desired direction. 

Logan had never tried to create this seal before but he had no choice, he unleashed his magic and tried to create the seal, the boy kept his eyes closed because he did not have the courage to look but when he opened them he saw that the rock that was far away before was moving and when it was close enough he jumped. He had succeeded; he had reached the rock just before the previous one disappeared into the abyss. He used the seal until he reached the opposite shore. He sat down on the rock and breathed a sigh of relief, he had made it. Behind him was an opening leading to who knows where, he walked through it, leaving the dark cliff behind.

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