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The night was over and the sun was rising in Haren, the whole night had passed, but still none of the three boys had come out of the caves.

Worried, Gate said, "They are taking too long, something might have happened to them.

"You must have faith, Gate, the boys will make it, I can feel it," the wizard replied.

At some point, one of the boys came out of the cave and collapsed to the ground, exhausted: it was Dice. Gate rescued him and noticed that in his hand was a ring of the Guardians, he had made it, the man helped the boy up, now all they had to do was wait for the others to join him.

As soon as Dice recovered, he saw the two men looking at him in awe, "You're the first," Gate announced, hinting at a smile, the boy suddenly realized that he was holding a ring.

"Wow, I did it!"

"Your ring has the power of fire, boy, you are now a Guardian."

Dice's ring was an ancient artifact, it had the power to control and emit fire, dating back to the beginning of time. It emitted supernatural heat and had reliefs engraved on its surface that dated back to the Battles of Henek, where it had been forged. On the back of Dice's costume suddenly appeared the symbol of a flame; the material of the costume became fireproof to adapt to the high temperatures.

Suddenly, Sarah came out of the caves, wearing the Ring of Air on her finger, it was a smaller and thinner ring than the Ring of Fire, this was because the ring fit its owner, but this one had only lightly carved stripes, but most of the surface was rough, as if it had been eroded by the weather. On the back of her costume was instead a vortex symbol, the material of her costume becoming aerodynamic.

Sarah was dazed but fine; she walked over to the two veterans and sat down next to Dice.

"Congratulations," the friend said, now only Logan was missing and everyone stood waiting for his arrival.

Logan opened his eyes, after jumping into the void, he jumped up thinking he was hurt, but he was actually fine. He was in a not-too-high water surface that reached up to his ankles. Around him, besides the typical stalactites and stalagmites, was a breathtaking landscape, a pristine cave. In front of him were stairs; Logan climbed them to the top, leaving the magical vision behind.

At the end of the stairs he saw the coveted prize: a ring of the Guardians, Logan touched it and suddenly a light hit him. The boy opened his eyes again and saw the entrance to the cave, when he came out it was evening again in Haren and no one was waiting for him.

Logan thought it was another rehearsal, but then he heard a friendly voice.

"We didn't think you'd make it," Gate said, hinting at a smile.

"How long has it been?"

"A day," he admitted, "but I wouldn't have left you alone," Logan hadn't noticed the ring he was wearing yet.

"Did the others find their rings?" the boy asked.

"Yes, just this morning," the boy sighed and sat down on a nearby boulder.

"I don't understand what took so long," he admitted.

"The reason is that your ring is special, it is the Ring of Space," Gate confessed proudly.

The boy began to look more closely at the ring and saw the grooves from which a faint purple glow of ancient engravings shone. A galaxy symbol also formed on the back of his costume.

The boy smiled and the two of them went to the party to celebrate the success of the ordeal, but Logan sensed that there was still much work to be done.

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