Eirina Gets Bossed Around By the Daughter of Ares

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Next morning, they walked out of Hermes cabin, where Eirina had met up with them while Percy was resting. He began to explain to Percy about Kleos, which meant Glory in Ancient Greek. As they were discussing glory, a group of Ares kids came around. Eira saw Clarisse La Rue, a girl that she did not get along well with, purposefully bump into Percy, sending him to the ground. She gasped and immediately bent down and helped Percy to his feet.

"Percy!" she gasped. She helped him stand up. Clarisse was now standing there, watching with a smirk on her lips. Eira glared at her. The girl's instincts immediately told her to protect the boy. She barely even knew him, but she still felt the urge to protect him. "Back off, Clarisse. It's his first day. He doesn't need to be bullied right now."

Clarisse just scoffed.

"Yeah? Stay out of this, Miss Sunshine. So this is the kid that killed the Minotaur, hmm?"

"Yeah?" Percy answered, confused. He stepped out from behind Zoira's protection. "You got a problem with that?"

"I'll bet," she scoffed, eyeing the younger boy in front of her.

"Clarisse," said Eira warningly. "He's twelve. Give him a break."

"Shut up, Miss Sunshine. Let me handle this." Eira rolled her eyes. To Percy, Clarisse added, "Listen here, dummy. If you want attention around here, you better get ready for it when it comes."

She pretended to scare him, making Percy jump back. Clarisse laughed as Eira shoved them away. Clarisse walked away with her siblings. Some of them were still giving Percy the mean side-eyes. Eira knew that this action was childish, but she stuck her tongue out behind Clarisse's back. Luke chuckled at her.

"Well," said Percy hesitantly. "She seems nice."

"Ares' children,' she sighed. "Not the brightest lot. But they sure know how to fight. And they're brutally honest."

"Why don't they mess with you?" Percy asked Luke, confused.

"They know better. Plus, they leave Eira alone. . . . for the most part. Clarisse still likes to call her names. Kleos bleeds into people. Meaning, if they don't mess with you, they won't mess with the people you care about. Eira was one of Clarisse's main targets when she first arrived at camp five years ago. She's been training her butt off for years. And now, she's the camp's second strongest warrior. Although Clarisse doesn't fight her physically, she still tries to . . . insult her. Tries to get under her skin a lot."

"So if I get kleos, Clarisse won't mess with me?" Percy asked.

"Exactly. And you'll become a big deal. Depending on whom you're getting glory from," Luke answered.

"So, if I get glory, my dad won't have a choice but to claim me?" Percy asked hopefully.

"Percy, you can't force a god to do anything for you," Eira reminded him.

"I know. But if I get glory, it'll make it harder for him to pretend that I don't exist, right?"

Eira, Luke, and Chris glanced at each other.

"Maybe," said Luke, though he still sounded doubtful.

"Great," said Percy enthusiastically. "Where do we start?"

"You said that you wanted me to teach you archery last night, didn't you?" said Eira.


"Why don't we start with that? C'mon! The archery grounds are this way!"

They made their way to the archery grounds. Luke was still explaining to Percy what glory meant as Lainey carefully got Orion, her bow-and-arrow, from her necklace. 

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