Eirina Finally Gets to See the World After Five Years of Camp

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Naturally, Percy chose Annabeth Chase and Eirina Keegan to be the ones who would go with him on his quest. He also chose Grover, as he trusted the satyr.

Eira packed up the night before leaving her cozy cabin. She was going to miss her home for sure. But this was a chance for her to go out and see the world. This was what she and Annabeth had wanted for years, wasn't it? It was their time to shine through.

Annabeth stopped by Thalia's tree to say goodbye to her before leaving. Percy stared at the child of Athena with a look of confusion on his face. 

"She really is going to miss that tree, isn't she?" Percy finally asked as Sveta came and joined them, looking at the tree for one last time. 

"That's not just a tree, Percy," Eira finally answered quietly.

Percy stared at her, alarmed. Eira regretted talking and held back her tongue, cursing herself quietly. She breathed deeply. Luckily, Grover was able to explain to Percy why Eira didn't like talking about that tree.

"When Annabeth and Eira first arrived at Camp, they came with Thalia and Luke. But they were being chased by monsters."

"Furies," Percy finally answered.

"We call them the 'Kindly Ones'," said Eira, who still sounded bitter. "Servants of Hades. Sisters."

"Like Miss Dodds?"

"Exactly. One was our History teacher, Alecto."

"Thalia turned back to fight," Grover went on, sensing Eira's sadness of losing Thalia, one of the very few people that could understand her. "She wanted to buy her friends some time. Her satyr protector tried to stop her, but she didn't listen. At the last moment, her father decided to change her form. Bring protection to Camp Half-Blood."

Percy looked surprised. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"The most powerful being in the entire world's best idea to save her daughter . . . . is to turn her into a tree?"

Percy was baffled. Eira didn't blame him.

"Thalia was the bravest demigod I ever knew," said Annabeth as she now approached them. "She fought valiantly, and she met a hero's fate."

Percy stared at her, clearly not amused. "She met a pine cone's fate."

Eira glared at the forbidden child before nudging him, hard, in the ribs. She was clearly offended with Percy saying that she met a 'pinecone's fate'. That was not nice to Thalia, nor her. Percy ignored her. 

"Forbidden children are always in danger," said Annabeth. "Even the strongest ones. Even . . . . Thalia. And you are not Thalia. So do exactly as I say, and maybe we'll survive this. Are we clear?"

No one said anything. Percy and Grover gave each other annoyed looks. Annabeth nodded. She turned on her heel and walked away from the three of them. Percy, Eira, and Grover walked along behind her.

"Does she always think that she's in charge?" Percy finally asked, breaking the silence.

"She's a daughter of Athena," Eira answered, feeling somewhat bitter. Sure, she was smart. But not nearly as smart as Annabeth. "Of course she thinks that she's in charge. Who else do you think would be in charge?"

They took a cab until they reached the bus stop. They would take the bus until they reached St Louis, Missouri.

A man flushed the toilet, making Lainey gag. The smell was terrible. But at least, it would hopefully mask Percy's strong demigod scent. She was relieved when the bus came to a halt in front of a gas station. She immediately got to her feet. Percy began to stand up, but Annabeth pushed him back into his seat.

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