Eirina's Realizes That Ares Knows What One of Her Weaknesses Is

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By the time they had reached the diner, the sun was starting to set. They looked around, wondering where the war god would be, until they heard maniacal laughter.

"I guess that we came to the right place," said Percy after a moment of silence.

"Well, let's not keep him waiting any longer. We don't want to get on a war god's bad side."

They approached Ares, who finally noticed them once they surrounded the table. He looked up before grinning evilly.

"Hold up a minute. I'm starting a good fight on Twitter. Hang on. . . . There we go. Okay. Nothing pleases me more than a good-ole fashioned fight." He let his phone fall with a clatter before turning his attention to the teens in front of them. "So, your quest. It's going to fail. Ask me how I know."

"The quest won't fail," said Percy sharply.

"Sure, it is. For starters. . . ."

He pulled his phone out again before putting on the news. Eira's knew that this guy was fake crying. The man was obviously talking about Percy. He claimed that Percy kidnapped his mother, crashed the Camaro, etc. Blah, blah, blah. Zoira knew that Percy wasn't stupid enough to do that kind of thing.

"Who's that?" Grover asked, confused.

"That's my stepdad. What's he doing?"

"Ooh, just wait for it!" Ares boasted excitedly. They continued listening. Percy's face went red with anger.

"What?!" he said with disbelief.

"I know! Wild, right? The FBI's already put your pictures up! Isn't that crazy?!"

"I'm gonna kill him," Percy growled.

"I knew that I was going to like you," Ares declared. "But I think that it's safe to say that the chances of you four trying to hitch-hike your way to the Underworld without getting arrested is from zero to none.

"Why are you sitting here, then?" Eira couldn't help but ask. "If you're supposed to be looking for the master bolt, too. Shouldn't you be going out and looking for it?"

"Hmph. Your stubbornness and pride will never leave you. Will it?" Ares huffed. She just gave him a 'try me' look instead. "Doesn't matter, anyways. Whether the bolt is retrieved or not, Zeus will still go to war with Poseidon."

Eira scoffed sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"No," Percy defended them. "The quest is not going to fail. How many times do we have to tell you to get you to listen to us? The Oracle said that, if we return the bolt by the deadline, there wouldn't be any war."

Ares looked stunned, almost defeated.

"Is that what it said?"

"Listen here, mister. We wouldn't be lying about this to you, would we?" Eira snapped.

Ares ignored the girl and turned to Percy.

"You're new to this family. I know that you are. So let me fill you in on how we work. See, before I was born, my grandpa Kronos ate all of my aunts and uncles. Then, my dad made him puke them back up again. Then chopped him up in a million pieces before throwing him into a bottomless pit. And he's been hanging out there ever since. Us Olympians? We fight. We backstab. We betray. It's what we do. We will push anyone down a flight of stairs, just to get ahead. And that, dear cousin, is why I love my family so much! My dad knows he's not getting that bolt back with this quest or goose chases. I think he knows that there is a war coming. I think that it's time for a war between my family to start. So, we're going to have a war, whether you like it or not. I mean, isn't that great?"

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