Eirina Is Not A Big Fan of Her Cousin Ares, the War god

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They stood around nervously. Firefighters, ambulances, and police cars surrounded them, including the tourists who had been visiting the Arch during that time. Eira glanced nervously around her.

"They're looking at us," Grover noted nervously.

"Yeah . . . ."

Eira wasn't paying attention to Grover's comment. At that moment, she caught sight of the three Fates. Her face paled when she saw a ball of blue yarn that reminded her of Percy's eyes. They must have caught her staring, because the sister in the middle snipped the yarn. That could only signify that someone was about to die. And it could mean any of them.

"Hello? Are you listening, Eira?" Grover asked. He waved his hand in the girl's face, catching her attention. She blinked, confused.


"We need to get out of here. They're staring at us. We don't want to spend the rest of our day being asked stupid, useless questions."

She sighed. She knew Grover was right. She nodded.

"Let's go find Percy," she finally said.

"Eira, I hate to say it, but he's not going to -"

"Don't!" said Eira sharply. She had tears in her eyes. Grover and Annabeth stared at her in surprise. She stared back with a look of determination on her face. "He's alive, guys. I know it. I feel it. Let's go look for Percy."

The two of them had no choice but to trudge behind Eira, who was determined to find Percy. They called out his name as they walked along the riverbank. He had to be here, somewhere! Eira was not leaving without him!

"Per —" Eira called again.

But they were interrupted as they turned the corner. A splash of water startled them. There, in front of them, stood Percy. He was drenched in water from head-to-toe, but he looked alive. And didn't look like he was in pain as he had been just a few minutes ago. Everyone stood still. He waved shyly. He couldn't take his eyes off of Eira. She stared at him, stunned.

"Hi," he greeted, sounding embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Eira should have listened to you earlier, instead of shoving you into the stairwell. Even hearing myself say that sounds terrible. But I knew that you would never agree with me —"

The girl cut him off by throwing her arms around him. She had walked quickly over towards him as he spoke. Percy was stunned. He stood there, shocked, for a few moments before hugging Eira back. He buried his face into her shoulder, taking in the feeling. The scent of amber and sandalwood from the perfume she had put on that morning filled his nostrils. He chuckled at her reaction to seeing him alive.

It was a comforting feeling for him. He did not want that feeling to end. He wanted to hold onto her for as long as he could. Finally, Annabeth cleared her throat, catching the duo's attention. Percy had been so lost in the moment that he had forgotten that his other two friends stood there. Annabeth had a knowing smirk on her face. Grover averted his eyes from the sight.

"So," said Grover at last. He smirked at the boy who held the girl in his arms. "You're not as dead as we thought you would be."

Percy finally let go of Eira. He gave them his signature mischievous smirk.


"What happened?" Annabeth demanded.

"Long story short," said Percy as we began to walk down the pier again, "we need to head to Santa Monica."

"Like, right now?" Grover asked, amazed.

"My father said that he would meet us there," Percy explained. "He's going to help us."

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