Eirina Almost Forgets About Her Friends at the Lotus Casino

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Both Percy and Eira were exhausted from the torture they'd gone through. Percy, more so than Eira. So, as soon as Annabeth and Grover had told them their suspicions about Clarisse La Rue being the lightning thief, Percy and Eira immediately took their places on the cleanest spot of the floor. Eira took out a blanket from their pack and covered Percy's body with it to make him feel a bit more comfortable. 

While Eira was tired, she wasn't nearly as exhausted as Percy was. She felt horrible for him. He's been through hell and back for the past couple of days. First being tracked down by the Furies. Almost turned to stone by Medusa. Almost killed by a chimera at the Arch. And lastly, he'd almost been suffocated to death by being encased in a golden throne.

Eira found herself leaning against the wall of the truck, which shuddered behind her back. It came to no surprise that Percy was out within seconds. He had his head resting on Eira's lap, one arm around her leg, and curled up in a slight ball. Eira found herself running her fingers through the boy's messy blonde curls. He looked so innocent while he slept. Not a look of worry at all on his face. In the meanwhile, Eira told Annabeth everything that had happened at the amusement park.

"But why would Ares do that, though?" Annabeth asked, confused.

Eira looked away, though she still kept running her fingers through the sleeping boy's hair. "Because he knows that losing Percy is my weakness. Losing him would definitely be the death of me."

"You like him, don't you?" Annabeth finally asked.

Eira stared at her, alarmed. But it did get her to thinking. Sure, they've bickered with each other. Sure, they've had their disagreements. But, they've both sacrificed themselves for each other, and more than once. Well, Percy, more so than Eira.

"I guess," she finally answered. "But you won't tell him, won't you? I don't want him finding out just yet."

Annabeth nodded, her eyes flickering over towards the sleeping boy again. He shifted slightly in his sleep, but didn't wake up. When he woke up from a nightmare, Eira was immediately the first person he saw. He felt relaxed when he saw her familiar face. He managed to smile.

"Nightmare?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah. A bad one, this time." He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "How long have I been out?"

"An hour or two. Not for a long time."

"Guys? Should we call the camp to give them updates?" Annabeth suggested.

"I thought you said that we don't call camp," Eira teased.

Annabeth just rolled her eyes. "Only to give them an update on where we are and what we know."

"Roger that. I guess that it's different than calling for help."

Annabeth shot the daughter of Apollo a nasty look. If looks could kill, that look on Annabeth's face would certainly kill you.

They turned to sit down on the haystack. Zoira noticed that Grover was not with them. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Where's Grover?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "He's checking to see how far away we are from the casino. And talking to the animals."

Eira handed a groggy-looking Percy a gold drachma. Percy stared at it in, confused.

"Toss it, Seaweed Brain," Eira demanded, gently nudging him in the side. Percy did as he was told, trying to ignore the blush that had crept up his cheeks as the girl gently nudged him in the ribs.

"This will never stop being weird," Percy mumbled to himself.

"O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering," said Annabeth. At once, a faint glow of the rainbow shone on the walls. "Okay. Show me Camp Half-Blood, Chiron's office." The goddess did as she was told and showed them the camp. But, instead of Chiron standing there, it was —

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