Chapter 8: "Night"

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Rex shifted slightly, waking up. He felt like he was dreaming about something, but couldn't remember what.

He opened his eyes, and looked around Larissa's tent. He showed a confused expression, before sitting up.

He touched his forehead, shaking off a remaining headache. He glanced outside of the tent, before a familiar voice called his name.

"Commander Dangervest." Larissa entered the area, stirring a cup a coffee. Her forth one, since he stayed up all night making sure Rex was okay.

"I'm so sore. Wha.." He blinked, "What happened?"

"I have no idea. I found you outside in the cold last night, so I decided to bring you in."

"The last thing I..." He perked up, "Marie!, how long have I been here?"

"It's barely the crack of dawn. I'd say...four hours?"

"Four?! I..." He quickly stood up, "I appreciate you, but I have some business I need to take care of."

"I get it. A leader's work is never done, but do take care." Larissa smiled.

"Yeah. Thanks. I will."

Rex nodded at her, before leaving her tent. He squinted at the rising sunlight, before continuing towards the Iron Palace.

"What happened last night?" He placed a hand on his temple, "The last thing I remember was that woman and...Marie missing. How did I get out here?"

He had questions, but no time to look for answers. The fact was, his girlfriend was missing. He needed to find out what happened to her as soon as possible.

He was so worried.

The Commander walked up to the entrance of the fortress, and spoke to the guards on duty.

"Hey! Uh, have you seen a woman with black hair and a hoodie going around?"

" mean like the woman we arrested last night?"

Rex blinked, "You...? You know what, I'll check the dungeon. Thanks."

He walked into the fortress, and practically ran to the dungeon. He didn't want to waste any more time than he already did.

He looked through every cell, until eventually, he found the one where Lucy was placed. She looked tired, and incredibly sad. His guess was that she didn't sleep all night.

He stepped up to the bars, and shouted at her.
"You didn't answer my question! Where's Marie?!"

The Master Builder looked up at him, and was both shocked and confused. Last she saw him, he could barely talk. He seemed pretty stern once again.


"Where is she?!" He repeated, "Don't make me go in there and break every bone in your body."

Lucy blinked, "'re back to normal. How?"

"What are you talking about?"

She didn't know how it happened, but Rex had completely forgotten the events from that night.

Everything after the potion was lost to him.

She started to think it was for the better. She felt like a fool for actually thinking she could get Emmet back so easily. She was desperate and should have never listened to a villain.

At least she could make things right.

"Your...girlfriend is on Noctis."

"Noctis? The night planet." Rex stated, "What is she doing over there?"

"Stardust Dunes" (Apocalypseburg AU) (Rex Dangervest X OC)Where stories live. Discover now