chapter one

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"Lynx, are you able to get me into the database?"

<<Of course I can. Though, I'm offended that you don't fully trust in my abilities, Kotori.>>

Kotori rolled his eyes, waiting for the access to be granted. He sat in the head office at the biggest hospital in the area, preparing to pull off his most challenging mission yet.

<<You should have access in 3... 2... 1.>>

Right as Lynx said '1', the computer screen changed to show all of the active bills. Kotori explained to his colleague what he saw and was told exactly what to click in order to clear the medical debt of thousands.

<<Kotori, you did it, but you have about 45 seconds before that guard turns down that hall and spots you. You can't exactly fly out of that window, but the window in the office to your left has a fire escape that you can get to.>>

Kotori cursed under his breath as he watched the screen clear. He stood up and slipped soundlessly out of the office.

"Cut the cameras now and delete all of the footage before–"

<<Already on it.>>

He turned the knob to the office door, discovering that it's been locked. He pulled the pin from his hair and inserted it into the lock. He had originally planned to unlock the main office this way, but he discovered that it had a modern locking system that you use a code to unlock and was able to have Lynx bypass it for him.

"Lynx, is there anything you can do to distract him while I unlock this door? I need to brush up on my lock picking skills." He whispered into his bluetooth, hoping that he was heard by the hacker.

<<I think I might have a plan. Just keep trying.>>

After 10 agonizingly long seconds, Kotori heard an alarm from the floor below him.

<<I triggered an empty room's code blue alarm. It'll probably distract him for another 10 seconds.>>

Kotori felt the lock release and he let out a sigh of relief. He walked towards the window and moved to lift it only to see that it was locked.

He shifted to stand on his tiptoes when a voice rang out.

"HEY! I'm gonna need some backup! I believe that it's a member of KLD! Come to the 7th floor, we're near the main office!"

Kotori rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. Of course things would turn messy right as he was about to escape.

<<You have to knock him out and break the window, Kotori.>>

"I know." He huffed, slightly annoyed that he had to deal with a security guard right now. He supposed that it was better than dealing with him before he completed his mission.

Before the security guard could get any closer, Kotori took his crossbow and shot a tranquilizer dart into the guard's thigh.


He shattered the glass and jumped onto the fire escape, thankful for the years of gymnastics he'd done in his adolescence.

"Did Dmitriy succeed in his mission?" Kotori asked, jumping over the side and catching himself on the railing the next floor down.

<<Yes. He was able to fill the security room with a mild sleeping gas. Those guards won't be waking up until morning.>>

"That's good to hear. I've got a few more floors to go before I get to the street. I'll start making my way to base."

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