chapter three

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"And now we're live outside of the hospital where a member of KLD was spotted entering an office and breaking a window to escape. We're speaking with the security guard that caught the notorious 'Kotori', the mastermind behind the Osaka train incident, entering an office on the seventh floor. How did you feel when you realized that you were face to face with Kotori?"

"Ugh, turn that shit off. Why do you always insist on watching the news when there are much cooler things to watch?" Kuroo plopped onto the couch next to him with a protein shake.

"Don't listen to him. He's just mad that they never spell his name right." Kenma interjected, sitting on the armrest next to Kuroo.

"It's not D-e-m-e-t-r-i! It's spelled D-m-i-t-r-i-y! It's pronounced the same exact way but–"

"Kuroo, not everyone knows who Dmitriy Mendeleev was." He says, gently taking the protein shake he was aggressively shaking before sliding into his lap.

"I think you've mixed it enough."

"Well, people should know who he was! He was the Russian chemist that devised the periodic table of elements. He's a huge reason why we're able to do anything and he's also the reason I was able to figure out a safe concoction to put your little security guard friends to sleep." Kuroo answered, grabbing the shake from the man in his lap and taking a drink.

Kenma stared at Kuroo, noticing how his hair stuck up in a multitude of directions. The dark circles under his eyes showed just how hard he had been working lately.

"My boyfriend really is a mad scientist." He said, watching as his lips turned up into a smirk.

"And you're a sly little Lynx aren't you–"

"If you two are gonna start being gross, please go do that in the lab or something. I really don't need to watch your foreplay." Akaashi rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his coffee.

He watched as the security guard went on a tangent about how terrified he was to see a high ranking criminal in front of him and how he was lucky to escape with his life.

"I'm trying to see if they mention the hero's name, so Kenma can look into him and compare him to any recent people that have disappeared from the public eye."

"I can only imagine how traumatizing that experience was for you. We're so incredibly happy to still have you here with us today."

"Thank you. I would never wish that experience on any innocent person. My heart was pounding so hard when I saw him. He moves so quietly, I had no idea he had infiltrated the hospital until I spotted him. My flashlight reflected off of his black suit and I knew it had to be him–"

"Excuse my interruption– Kotori's suit isn't black."

The three men stared at the screen as the camera panned to show the hero Akaashi had fought the night before.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The hero that fought the infamous Kotori of the KLD group is with us! What a truly amazing surprise!"

"Everyone always says that Kotori is dressed in black, but I had a close encounter with him last night and can positively say that his suit is navy. He's a great fighter and he's very skilled in gymnastics. I wasn't able to capture him, but I was able to get close enough to him to notice that he has blue eyes."

"You let him get close to you? How did that happen? Akaashi, you're nearly at the top of Japan's most wanted list. If your job starts checking everyone's eyes, then–"

"I know, Kuroo-san. I'll figure something out. I can order a pair of brown contacts and wear those when I go out or something."

Kuroo sighed and turned his attention to the screen. The hero was describing everything that the people already knew about Kotori, but he seemed almost knowing?

"Kotori. I know you're watching this right now. You told me that you were doing what you did because it was helping people. What about the people from the Osaka train incident that died because of you? You were found fleeing the scene of the crime. You were–"

"That wasn't his fault!"

"Shut up you two." Akaashi gritted his teeth as the hero described the catastrophic event that happened the year before. He must've been incoherent from the tranquilizer when Akaashi told him not to lump him in with that bastard. That or he just didn't care.

"You're so brave to have gone up against him! What's your name?"

Akaashi leaned forward slightly, straining his ears as if it would help him hear better.

"I'm known as Suisei."

"Suisei? Like comet?" The security guard butts in, eyes wide with wonder. Suisei glances at the man before nodding with a smile.

"Suisei, do you have any other words for Kotori or any of the KLD members before we conclude this segment?"

"Justice will be served, Kotori. Or should I call you 'Little Bird'? That's what your pseudonym means anyway. 'Screeching Owl' isn't quite as fitting."

Akaashi's jaw clenched and his eye twitched as the camera cut to the news anchor sitting at her desk.


Akaashi threw the remote at the wall, breaking it into little pieces. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a groan of frustration.

"Suisei, you bastard." He muttered under his breath.

Kenma stood from Kuroo's lap and walked into the kitchen to grab the broom before making his way to the pile of plastic fragments and batteries.

"I'm sorry, Kenma. I'll buy a new remote tomorrow after my shift. I just– I don't–" He pursed his lips into a flat line, not able to think of what he wants to say.

"Don't apologize, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Plus, I didn't like that remote anyway."

Akaashi gave him a small smile before kneeling over to hold the dustpan in place for him.

"I say we all order takeout for dinner tonight. I'll go pick it up and bring it back before work. Akaashi, you can meet me at the bar around eight-thirty and I'll make you those free drinks. For now, let's just relax since we just succeeded on a major mission last night." Kuroo said, finishing his shake before taking it back into the kitchen.


Author's Note:

 All of their code names have been revealed! What do y'all think of them?  O(≧▽≦)O

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