chapter fourteen

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One week later.

"Breaking News! The infamous KLD group posted an unsettling message online this morning with some shocking revelations!"

The small thumbnail in the corner suddenly filled the entire screen and Kotori's voice– distorted voice– was heard through the speakers.

He wore his typical navy suit and eye mask but he also wore his brown contacts.

"God, you look so pissed." Kuroo laughed upon seeing his friend on the screen.

"Don't forget hot." Bokuto added, wrapping an arm around Akaashi's waist, pulling him closer, ignoring the way Akaashi groaned and nudged his shoulder.


"Hello. This is Kotori from KLD. By the time you see this video, information regarding bills created by our government will already be circulating the internet. Our lawmakers are trying to distract you with minor victories while attempting to pass laws that will be detrimental to our society. We can make a change if we stand together."

The screen shifts as Kotori brings up various laws that he and Lynx were able to download.

"These files have been deleted from city hall, but it's only a matter of time before they are able to rewrite them. If you call or email your local lawmaker, you can tell them to put a stop to these harmful ideologies they want to turn into reality. KLD will no longer be fighting physically. We will fight against oppressors and wrong-doers in a way that will let the people get involved and make a change. You will hear from us again."

The video cuts off and the news anchor looks absolutely stunned. She looks at her colleagues and shrugs.

"I have no words... Can we really trust KLD? Are we sure their information is accurate?"

Akaashi's leg bounced restlessly as he waited for her colleagues' response. He and the guys have worked so hard this past week trying to put this all together. They couldn't afford for them to not be taken seriously when so much was at stake. A hand rested on Akaashi's leg, calming him as he watched the screen.

"I'm not sure, but there's been a report of Kotori breaking into city hall just last week. It caused a huge scene while the police investigated what happened, but they never told the public what KLD had done. Maybe these documents are real."

"So we're just supposed to trust them? Kotori was the one behind the Osaka train incident though–"

"No, I wasn't," Akaashi said, gritting his teeth. Bokuto held him closer as he looked at the other two on the loveseat.

"Yeah. I don't know if it's safe to trust–"

"We have another breaking news story? What could possibly be bigger than the most notorious crime group– What?! Pull it up now!"

"What's going on? What happened?" Akaashi sits up in his seat and stares at the screen, watching in disbelief as a video starts to play.

Two figures are seen running along the top of a train. The camera zooms in and although the quality isn't the clearest, it's obvious that one man is holding a remote in his hand as he runs to the front of the train.

Kotori can be seen running after the man as fast as he was able to, but there's a clear indication when the button is pressed and the man jumps.

The video promptly cuts off before it shows the graphic aftermath. The news anchors are silent and phones immediately start ringing in the studio before they cut to commercial break.

Akaashi has tears rolling down his cheeks and goosebumps all over his body.

"How–" He choked out a sob before Bokuto pulled him close, rubbing his shoulder with a smile on his face.

"I talked to Bokuto about MSBY's satellites. I asked him if he had access to them and he said he didn't, but he knew someone who did. I told him to see if he could find any sort of proof that you weren't the one behind the incident and this is what they found. It's not the greatest quality, but MSBY has already verified its authenticity." Kenma spoke, a soft grin on his lips as Akaashi let out another sob.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."


Author's Note: His name's been cleared! :') (༎ຶ︿༎ຶ)

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