chapter eleven

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<<Okay, make a left at the next entrance and you'll find the computer lab.>>

"Why couldn't you do this from the house?" Kotori asked, slipping quietly into the city hall's computer lab.

<<For the same reason I couldn't clear everyone's medical debt from the house. I don't have the time nor spoons to explain it to you right now. Go to the front of the room and turn on the computer. I need you to tell me exactly what pops up.>>

Kotori nods and soundlessly makes his way to the front of the room. He wasn't given all the details of his mission, mostly because it was extremely high-risk and if he were to get caught, he would more than likely be... interrogated unkindly for information.

Upon powering on the computer, Kotori reads off the screen and Lynx tells him exactly what to click before he's able to bypass the protective measures in place. He instructs Kotori to insert the flash drive into the port and he heaves a sigh of relief.

<<Okay, now you just sit there until you see this entire folder empty itself into the trash and then you are going to close out of this page and power down the system. Wait until the computer is shutting down before you make your escape.>>

"I understand."

Kotori sat there and watched as hundreds of documents were moved to the trash bin. It was a lengthy process but once he saw that these documents had to do with making laws that would further harm the society, he felt a sense of pride being there to help delete them.

"What's the flashdrive for, Lynx?"

<<I saved a backup of the documents, so I can anonymously post them on the internet. Once the public sees the drafts for these laws, they'll be pissed and petitions will be signed and hopefully change will be made.>>

Kotori hummed a response and watched the cursor drag the last fifty files to the trash bin.

<<Okay, Kotori. Close out of the page and power down the system and get your ass back to the house. I'm not ending this call with you until you're officially off of city hall property.>>

"Got it." Kotori did as he was told, taking extra care to make sure he powered down the system correctly before putting the flash drive in a small pocket on the inside of his sleeve. He stood up and walked towards the door before Lynx was speaking again.

<<Security guard in your hall. You need to lay low. He doesn't know you're there because I tampered with the camera footage while he went to the bathroom.>>

Kotori nodded and laid flat on the floor in front of the door. He saw the light of a flashlight shine through the window before the guard moved onto the next room.

<<You're lucky that they usually lock these doors and just do a quick sweep. They never unlock the doors unless something's going on.>>

Kotori let out a silent breath of relief. He didn't realize how tense he was. He supposed that being away from work for the past month had him slightly anxious about succeeding.

<<You're golden. If you stay silent, you can slip out of the emergency exit fifteen feet to your right. I've already disabled the alarm but you have exactly sixty seconds to get out that door. Starting... now.>>

He jumped to his feet and slipped out of the computer lab before turning to spot the exit Lynx mentioned. He glided swiftly towards it and slowly pressed the bar down so that he wouldn't make any noise before promptly leaving the building.

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