chapter fifteen

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Author's Note: This chapter contains mature themes (make out scene and implied sexual content - nothing explicit)

"I can't believe that I've been doing your sister's hair for the past three years and never realized. She's brought in so many new clients for me." Kuroo laughs, taking a drink of his beer before shoving more food into his mouth.

The four of them sat around the coffee table with takeout and a case of beer to celebrate a weight lifted off of Keiji's shoulder and KLD's new way of doing things.

"Didn't I say that starting up that Instagram account would be good for the salon? She has a pretty decent following and with those clients comes potentially useful gossip for KLD's website." Bokuto said, emptying his first can before opening a second. "And with Kenma pulling the major strings, he'll never struggle with boredom again."

"I'll miss the spontaneous blowjobs." Kuroo stated wistfully before cackling like a madman when Kenma smacked his arm.

"Oh my god." Akaashi groaned, laughing as he shook his head. Bokuto smirked and leaned in close to his ear, dropping his voice to a whisper.

"I remember receiving a few of those." He said, kissing Akaashi's temple and pulling away to see his boyfriend's face. He had a deep blush on his cheeks that he could hardly blame on the alcohol since he's only had one beer.

"Akaashiiiiii, what did Bo say?" Kuroo asked with a semi-knowing look before hiccuping.

"I'm not telling you."

"Secrets don't make friends." He said, sticking his tongue out at him before eating another riceball.

"Alright, big guy. It's time to get you home and in bed." Kenma said, standing up and helping Kuroo to his feet.

"You guys aren't staying here?" Akaashi asked, a furrow in his brow as Kenma shook his head.

"I need to take a shower and I don't have any more clean clothes here. That's why I didn't drink, so I'd be able to drive the two of us home." He grabbed his keys and turned to Kuroo who was making lewd hand motions to the other two before acting normal when he noticed Kenma looking at him.

"Get your ass in the elevator. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He said, dragging Kuroo out of the apartment, locking and shutting the door behind him.

Akaashi was now suddenly aware that he was alone with Bokuto. It had been the first time he was left alone with Bokuto since their reunion and he couldn't help the slow creeping of heat up his neck when the man turned his attention to him.

"Little Bird." He said softly, reaching his hand out to caress Akaashi's cheek. His heart did somersaults in his chest as he leaned into the feel of Bokuto's calloused palm.

"I love you." His smile was warm and Akaashi couldn't help but smile back at him.

Those three words that haven't been said out loud to each other in five years made Akaashi feel like he could float away.

"I love you too, Kou." he said, scooting closer to him and placing a chaste kiss to his lips. They had shared a few of these over the last week, none getting particularly heated as they were always accompanied by the other couple.

Bokuto chased his lips when he pulled away, using the hand on Akaashi's cheek to guide him back to him. Bokuto tilted his head, deepening the kiss and pulling at Akaashi's bottom lip with his teeth. Humming a soft response, Akaashi moved to straddle Bokuto's lap. Strong hands rested on his waist, pulling him in closer.

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