Comedic Company

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Cross ran down excitedly to the streets of his city, waving at everybody that passes by. He does have quite a good reputation around here.

As he passes by the shops and parks of his city, he can't help but to wonder what kind of Pokémon he'll get. It fills him with curiosity in a little nervousness.

"I can't believe first pokémon! I wonder what it's gonna be..hopefully one that actually likes me.." His thoughts silenced and he slowed into a small jog once he reached the Pokémon Lab. Standing in front of the door he sighs, and takes a step to walk in before-

"Hey Cross!"

He hums and turns around to be met face to face with his best friend Killer.

"Killer? What are you...Did you follow me here? Please tell me you're not trying to break into the Lab again."


"...You are aren't you?" Cross glares at him then sighs to himself.

Killer laughed nervously, rubbing the back his head with his hand, "Whaaaaaaaat?? W-Why would you say that?."

"Killer we both know they're not going to let you back into the Lab after what happened the last time." Cross rubs his face with his hands trying to get his point across, all the while Killer groans.

"Common! I'm just trying to see what they're doing to the pokémon-!"

"What you're trying to do, is a steal a master ball, for reasons god knows why." Cross sighs and walks into the Lab.

"HEY! ahem..Ok Ok! Fine ya got me. I...kinda..sorta sawaKyogrewhiletryingtofishforpokémonatsea!" Killer rambles after getting caught slipping into the lab after him.

"Again with the Kyogre? I told you to give it up, they don't just appear in the ocean!" Cross huffs shaking his head. "If only though.."

Killer steps infront of Cross stopping him in his tracks, his eyes sparkle with determination and stands tall.

"I swear I saw it! It grabbed my fish hook and took off! It was so fast I could barely see it! But by the gods of this earth, it will be my heroic duty to CAPTURE the dear pokémon and make it my forever partner!" He says rather excitedly and swings an arm around Cross.


Killer and Cross freeze in shock and turn around quickly to be face-to-face with the Pokémon Lab Manager. They were a cat like monster, with a jagged tail and small gray hairs around her face, wearing a white lab coat with white gloves looking down at killer with curiosity and a little frustration.

"You again? I thought we finally got rid of you." She walks forward ready to throw Killer out again before Cross stops him by standing in front of Killer.

"Uhh Hi, I-I'm Cross Peñaloza and i'm here for my starter pokémon. Killer here was just..uhh...escorting me here to watch me pick...?" He laughs and looks up at the Lab Manager. The aforementioned manager looked down at Cross with narrowed eyes, and can practically see the sweat dripping off of Cross' skull.

Finally the Lab Manager sighed and turns her back around before glancing back at them.

"Alright he can stay, just don't touch anything. And DON'T go into the back of the lab." The scientist said looking directly at Killer with that last sentence.

The aforementioned skeleton chuckled nervously doing a shaky salute.

"Rogger that Boss!"

Cross facepalms.

The Lab Manager scoffs and leads them down a large hallway, into a small room filled with plants and other various decor items.

"This is where we keep our starter Pokémon for young adventures like you to come and choose who you want as your new partner."

Cross and Killer look around in awe, mostly Cross because Killer has been here already, but the new additions catch his eyes.

The scientist soon stops in front of a small futuristic like machine that holds three pokéballs in a circle.

Next to it is a medical monitor that shows the wavelength of each Pokéball.

The scientist then grabs the three Poké balls, placing them on the floor, telling Cross and Killer to step back as light emerges from each of the Pokéballs, forming the shape of Pokémon the ground.

Killer and Cross gasp in shock, watching the pokémon form. First Fennekin, Then Chespin, And last Froakie.

The three pokémon jump for joy, and chirp in excitement running around each other.

"These are our labs starter pokémon, please choose who you would like as your partner."

Cross stares down at the three Pokémon trying his best to stay calm and not let his nervousness show. When the three Pokémon finally realize Cross and Killer are there, they form a line formation, looking up at cross expectedly, which just fills him with more nervousness.

After a few minutes of staring and silence he has finally made his choice. Killer watches behind him in wonder of who he's going to choose.


Said pokémon, Froakie looks up at Cross as he kneels down to look at Froakie

Cross smiles and sticks a hand out infront of them, Froakie looks at the hand then back up at Cross in shock.

"How 'bout you? Would you like to be my partner?"

ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE! THANK YOU SM FOR READING! I'm so excited to continue ur this story and I have so many ideas!! See you next time!!

New Friends Or New Foes (A Sanscest Pokémon Story) -Hiatus-Where stories live. Discover now