To Catch a Pokémon

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Another day another day, another chapta chapta!
Sorry for such a long wait
- - - -Cross' POV:- - - -
The first 24 hours at the Pokémon Center were a wild one.

Apart from the nurse healing Froakie, there were arguments, fighting, Pokémon battles, and people throwing their wet shoes to the ground because it was raining.

Dream, Killer, and I remained in a little corner of the room, observing everything that went by. Even though Killer attempted to join one of the battles, Dream's Pikachu hit him with a thunderbolt as a warning.

By now the rain has cleared, the sun was shinning, our journey continued to Santalune City...and Killer was slipping on puddles.


"Killer, you better watch where you're going or you might slip off a cliff." Dream and his Pikachu glared at him, making me even more cautious of my steps.

After picking himself up, Killer turned to face us with his smug expression. "Relax, I'm alright. Not a single fractured bone."

I scoff and roll my eyes walking ahead of both Dream and Killer. "Not yet, but don't jinx it."

We continued our path to Santalune City when up ahead we heard some movement. Curiosity peaked, we cautiously approached the source of the sound as we grew closer, our eyes widened in surprise at the site of a group of wild Pokémon crowding around something in a nearby meadow.

It had to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The pokémon were of various types and colors, creating a vibrant and enchanting scene. Their playful antics and harmonious coexistence filled the air with an atmosphere of pure joy. We couldn't help feel grateful for this unexpected encounter.

We were all staring at the scene in complete shock. I saw Dream step ahead, taking in the scenery, and then noticed something off in the distance.

"Hey look over there...are those Beedrill?"

Killer sighs with frustration. "More Beedrill?! Our relationship with them is already horrible. Oh I know! Why not invite them to tea? I'm sure they'd love that!"

I sigh and turn to see them gathered around what appears to be a Pokémon. The Beedrill are buzzing so loudly that it sounds like they're laughing.

Dream clenches his fists with a scowl. "I know bullies when I see some...those jerks."

"Bullies?" Now that I see it more, they do look like they're bullying the poor Pokémon. Finally having enough, I pull out my Pokédex and scan the Pokémon in the circle of Beedrill.

Riolu, The Canine Pokémon, a fighting type. It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions, such as joy and rage, in the form of aura waves.

"I'm getting it away from those Beedril." The statement made by Killer caught me off guard; even Dream seemed taken aback.

"What?! You can't go in without protection, at least get a stick or something-" Killer shushes me and pulls out a pokéball.

"Who said I didn't have protection? Watch and learn Crossy."

Killer is halfway across the field speedwalking to the Beedrill when I finally break out of my shock. I'm too baffled to say anything.

Killer stands a few feet away from the circle, glaring in hatred.

"Hey uglies!"

The beedrill all turned to face him, their eyes narrowing in preparation for a fight.

Killer tilts his head and grins as he holds the Pokéball. "How about you pick on this instead."

As he lazily tosses the Pokéball into the air, a brief burst of white light emerges from it and subsequently takes the form of a massive rock-like snake Pokémon.

After a few moments of staring in shock and being unable to speak, I exclaim, "YOU HAVE AN ONIX!?" with shock.

Said pokémon Onix, snarled at the beedrill before snorting steam and growling violently once more.

The Beedrill buzzed angrily, it's wings vibrating with intensity as it prepared to retaliate. Onix, towering over the smaller pokémon flexed its massive, rocky body ready to defend itself against any attack.

Onix, known for its formidable strength and size, displayed its dominance by snarling at the Beedrill. The ground beneath Onix trembled with its power. The Beedrill, intimidated by the sheer force of Onix's presence,—and the relentlessness commands for Onix sent by Killer—reluctantly decided to retreat. Killer grinned in victory putting a hand on his hip.

I swear, from behind me, I heard Dream utter something like, "What a man."

Killer returned Onix to its Pokéball, walking forward to the trembling Riolu in the middle of the field.

Riolu was shaking in terror as it curled into a ball at the scene of what had just occurred. Killer lowered himself in an attempt to appear smaller to Riolu.

"Hey, sorry about all that. You okay?" He spoke in a soft voice that made Riolu look up slightly.

Killer looked at the little wounds with a smile on his face and a tilted head. "Those seem pretty bad, but nothing a few bandages can't heal. Here let me." He takes the small Pokémon's paw and starts wrapping them.

Riolu looks up at Killer with sparking eyes.

He stands up after wrapping all the wounds and dusts himself off. "Sorry for the trouble little guy, but next time be more careful." Killer begins to walk off before a small hold grabs onto his leg. He looks down and sees Riolu hugging it as tight as it can with its little body.

"You're welcome buddy." He tries to pry it off his leg but Riolu has a strong hold on him.

Dream squeals next to me, "AWW Killer, you have to keep him! It's obvious he wants to go with you!"

"You mean catch it?" Killer looks down at the clingy pokémon with a debate going on in his head.

I start walking over standing beside him looking down at Riolu, "Think of it as a debt, you saved it and now it's wants to repay you."

"But..does it really want that?" Killer looks down and crouches infront of Riolu holding a spare Pokéball.

It seems that before Killer has to chance to say anything more, Riolu has made the decision for him, tapping the white button on the Pokéball for him to go inside.

Killer stands up wholes and I lean over his should to see.

The ball beeps once...


Three times...

Then it dings.

Killer caught Riolu!


I probably redid this chapter at least five times haha..THANKS!!

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