Santalune City

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- - - -Cross' POV:- - - -
We move forward with our path and finally make it to Santalune City, and my god, it was amazing. Pokémon were everywhere, and the city was full of the most greenery I had ever seen. Apart from a forest, of course. The vibrant colors of the Pokémon and the lush greenery of the city created a mesmerizing sight. It felt like stepping into a real life Pokémon paradise, where nature seamlessly blended with urban life. The forest, however, held an allure of its own beckoning us to explore its mysterious depths and discover even more wonders in this enchanting city.

"This is Santalune City!? It's amazing! There's so many shops and Pokémon and-A BAKERY OH MY GOD-!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement as I took in the bustling cities, in tantalizing aroma of freshly baked goods wafting from the bakery, the city seemed to have an endless array of activities, and a little something for everyone making it a perfect destination for both Pokémon trainers and nature enthusiasts alike.

"Cross relax. This isn't even the entire city and you're swooning over a bakery." Dream said with a chuckle gesturing towards the fast expanse of Santalune City that lay beyond the bakery. I couldn't help but laugh at my own enthusiasm, -and Killer's confusion- realizing there was still so much more to explore and discover in this captivating city.

"Dream. We haven't had a single good meal in hours so I will coddle this bakery all I want."

Dream rolled, his eyes, played fully and nodded in agreement. "Alright, alright. We can get one treat before we continue, that good enough for you?" I nodded and followed him inside, pulling Killer along, almost making him trip in the process of how excited I was. We walked into the bakery to try the local delicacies and recharge ourselves for the next leg of our journey to the Santalune Gym.

Following our brief snack break, we carried on with our exploration, and began to make our way through the city. I was so preoccupied with the city on the way that I failed to notice killers cries for me to stop. I stumbled into someone and fell to the ground, my face turning red with embarrassment. As I looked up I realize that I bumped into a tall, intimidating figure with a stern expression on their face. They extended a hand to help me up, but their piercing gaze made me hesitate for a moment before accepting their assistance.

"Watch where you're going next time, kiddo. You could've caused an accent." they scolded. Their voice was deep in commanding, but not unkind. It left me feeling even more embarrassed. I quickly apologized and thanked them for helping me up, promising to be more careful in the future. As they walked away, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and curiosity about who this mysterious person was.

He was a skeleton like me, effortlessly, pulling off a vibrant ensemble, with these slick blue strings dripping from his eyes, combining a red blazer with sleek black trousers. Their yellow tie adds a pop of color, perfectly complementing the blue pocket square peeking out from their jacket. The overall aesthetic exudes sophistication and confidence, turning heads wherever they go.

Killer runs over to me glaring at the figure disappearing in the distance. "Who was that?" "That was Error. He's one of the tailors here in the city, the best might I add." Dream shrugs nonchalantly.

We carried on and arrived at a park to relax and funny enough, we saw the same guy I bumped into! He was sitting on a bench, a few bushes to the side of us, engrossed in a book. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was following us, or if it was all just a coincidence. I also saw that he had a vulpix by his side, and thought it was cute to see a stoic guy like him as a cuddly Pokémon person.

As we approached him, I mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation. He didn't seem that surprised to see us -in fact he looked bored- but after some questions about himself, he mentioned that he frequently visited the park often to enjoy some quiet reading time before and I quote, "We rudely interrupted."

Dream and Error got along pretty well, and I found out that they were pretty good friends. I couldn't help but notice the one-sided tension between Killer and Error as if there was some unresolved conflict between them. It seemed like Killer's glare held a mix of anger and jealousy towards Error making me wonder what might've caused it.

"So," Error started, "What is the golden boy doing hanging around with this..leak-face and walking oreo?"

Now I know he did not just call me a walking oreo.

Killer on the other hand, seemed to take a little bit more offense to the nickname and started sputtering out insults back to him before Dream ended the 'conflict'

"We're looking for the Santalune Gym so the 'walking oreo' can have a battle with them."

If Error had a drink in his hand, he would have started choking from the surprise. "Ink?! You're joking right? There no way this puny guy wants to battle Ink."

Standing my ground, I walk up to him, crossing my arms "I'm not puny; I'm serious. I want to have a battle with Ink, as you say." I maintain a determined expression, my eyes locked with his "I may not appear formidable, but I assure you, if I get a little bit more training, I will beat ink in this battle."

Error sighs putting a hand between his eyes. "Fine." he says begrudgingly. "But don't come crying to me when you realize you're outmatched." He smirks confidently clearly underestimating my abilities. "If you want to train follow me. As I can see from your belt, you only have one Pokémon correct? First things first, Ink uses a total of two Pokémon per battle. All bug type. You'll need to get more Pokémon."

Oh right. I only have Froakie. Guess I didn't think about that when I came here.

"But how do I get more Pokémon? Do I just fly off into the forest and magically capture them?" Error chuckles, and stands up stretching. "These adoption center are like shelters for Pokémon where they are cared for until someone comes along and decides to give them a new home." Error explains. "It's a great way to find Pokémon that needs love and care, and you can even choose one that resonates with you the most."

I hear Dream squeal behind me. "Awh that's adorable! What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Error nods and leads the way to the nearest Pokémon adoption center. As we walk, he explains that the adoption process involves filling out some paperwork and going through a brief interview to ensure that the potential owner is ready for the responsibility of caring for a Pokémon. I listen intently, nodding when he asks me if I understand.

Off on another quest...yay.



New Friends Or New Foes (A Sanscest Pokémon Story) -Hiatus-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin