Being an assistant

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You and Veritas Ratio waited awkwardly in the lab for Ruan Mei's return. You sighed and looked at some random papers on her desk. You noticed she seemed to be experimenting on those jell-o like cats again. You then sighed and went over to the machine that made them. Since you were bored you started to mess with it and make a cat.

"What are you doing?" Ratio looked over at you. His eyebrow was raised as he was curious by what you were up to.

"Hey, could I borrow a strand of hair?" You then without warning plucked some or his soft purple hair. He winced and rubbed the spot on his head you took the strand of hair from.

"Hey! Could've warned me darling that you were going to do that" He then realized he said "darling" and he shut his mouth. You turned to look at him, your cheeks were pink.

"What did you call me?" You gave him a look. He just turned away and covered his mouth. His cheeks were red in embarrassment, which was something he hadn't felt in a while, and he hated it.

"Nothing! Just...ask if you're going to pull my hair out, okay?" He still looked away from you. He hated that you saw him so vulnerable.

You shrugged and continued to make a cat. You put in his strand of dark purple hair. You then smiled when the machine was done.

Veritas Ratio calmed down, and he came up behind you and looked over your shoulder. He was curious as to what this "idiot" assistant was doing.

You then turned around and held up the cute jell-o cat up to his face. It had his coloring and his eyes color even.
The creature let out a little meow.

"Whoa!" Veritas jumped back in surprise. " that's kind of...cute..."
He reached out a hand to touch the cat's tail that stuck out of the pillow shaped shell it had on its body. The cat made some purring noises as he touched its tail and ears.

"It's Ruan Mei's creations. They're made of jell-o or cakes. I took some of your hair to make one that looks like you!" You smiled slightly and handed him the cat. He held it, and for a moment, you noticed his face turn from cold and hard to soft and he was smiling. He gently held the cute cat as it purred and made its little noises.

He then noticed you were watching him and he quit petting the cat and set it down. It then hopped about happily.

" didn't see that..."
He cleared his throat and regained his composure.
You couldn't help but laugh, but then Ruan Mei came in the room, and you quit laughing and just stared at him silently as he glared at you.

"Ah, I see you showed Dr. Ratio my machine Y/n?"
You nodded your head at your boss.
"Yes, my lady, I showed him the cats."
You then quickly went to her side to help her sent the item she had down. She sighed and looked at you.

"I have something for you and Veritas to do. You two will have to work together." Ruan Mei said. You looked shocked, and so did Ratio.

"Ms. Ruan Mei, what do you mean I have to work with...her" Ratio said in his high and mighty accent. He sounded disgusted with you.

You glared at him and pouted.
"My lady, why must I work with...him. he calls me and idiot."

Ruan Mei rolled her eyes.
"It would be good if you two sorted whatever your problem with each other out. I need you two to go get me some items out of storage....and out of some other parts of the station."

You looked at the list she handed to you and she gave one to Ratio. Ratio looked down at you.
"Fine. She I guess I can tolerate her a little longer, but you, Y/n, have to listen to me."
He then left the lab. You had no choice but to follow him. You sighed and Ruan Mei watched you two leave. She then went back to her work. She sighed, "I wonder if my assistant will get along with him...he promised he wouldn't let any harm come to her...I hope he doesn't." She then picked up the jell-o Dr. Ratio cat and sat down and stroked its head.


Hope you liked it! God Bless!! 😀

Dr. Ratio X F!reader:: Your "Idiot"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant