Akward moment

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You were walking away from the bathroom after that little talk with Ratio. You felt a little uncomfortable and flustered by it. Why was he flirting with you? You and him didn't get along at first at all. He just sounded like he was annoyed by your presence altogether.

"Hey, you good?" Daniel looked at you as you both were working on fixing a mechanism in the station.

"I'm fine, just thinking..." You answered as you screwed a part in place. "There, that should do it." You stood up and smiled in satisfaction at you fixed work.

"Nice, so... what exactly does it power? I can tell it's a generator." Daniel looked at you.

"Yeah, it's just a backup one that they have been meaning to fix." You sighed and put your tools in your box. You then looked over and saw Ratio walk by he looked like he was lost in thought and didn't notice either of you. You wanted to say hi, but you closed your mouth and sighed.

You then stood up, and Daniel and you made your way back to Ruan Mei's lab. You set the box of tools down on the floor near a cabinet. Daniel then looked at you.

"You know... Ratio seems to have an interest in you." He asked curiously and looked at you. You rolled your eyes. "No way, and I don't like him that much either. We just work together sometimes because of Ruan Mei." You said as you then looked over and saw Ruan Mei and Dr. Ratio discussing something. He seemed to be back to his prideful self again.

"Hmm, alright, " Daniel then walked off to go do something else. He said he'd be leaving in a few days to go back to the university. You were then playing with the jell-o like kitties. You petted them, and they all were purring.

Dr. Ratio came into the room. He looked over at you and crossed his arms.
"Ruan Mei says you should come to Peconey with me. You might be helpful in some business there."

You looked at him as you were petting a cat.
"Go... to Peconey?" You looked a little surprised but then smiled. You were from Peconey. Your parents were still there... maybe you could visit them quickly.

"Could I-" before you could finish, he spoke. "See your family? Well, maybe we have time y/n."

Ratio then left the room. He appeared to be waiting for you to follow him to an anchor. They were used to teloport to different places. You followed him out, and you touched the anchor after he did. You both vanished, and that cold feeling was everywhere in your body. You then opened your eyes again. You then saw the futuristic looking city of Peconey. You smiled slightly. The place never seemed to change.

"Alright. Let's go find Aventurine and get this done." Ratio mumbled under his breath as you and him walked down the street. People all around were chatting, and some were even gambling or betting on things. You saw some children run by who were playing. You and then saw the tall building in front of you.

"Ah, made it." Ratio then opened the door and held it for you as you both went in.

The inside had beautiful green walls and gold lining the walls. The place seems to be owned by someone rich.
Ratio sighed as you two then made your way up the stairs nearby to an office. Inside sat a man on the sofa with blond hair and pink and purple eyes. He had on sunglasses.

"Oh, hey, Ratio! And this must be Y/n?" Aventurine spoke in a playful voice. He had a grin on his face.

"Yes, now stop flirting and listen." Ratio glared. "Dang peacock, why don't he shut up." He mumbled the last big to himself. Aventurine just laughed.

"Oh? Here about a certain stone? Well... you can't have it. I found it." Aventurine said with his head held high. He then walked over to his desk and sat in his chair. He took his hat off his head.

Ratio didn't seem amused. The two agreed for a bit but Aventurine wouldn't budge. Then the two of you left and Ratio stood there outside the building with you. He sighed.

"I don't know what to do." Ratio sighed. "Guess we should just look at scenery till I figure something out."

You and Ratio started to take a walk. Hopefully, you will both find a way.


Hope you like this part. You can suggest anything if you want. I'm running out of ideas for this story. ( '・_ゝ・)

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