Giant Bugs in Storage

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You followed Veritas Ratio down to storage again where you first met. He sighed and was waiting for you to keep up, since his legs were much longer and bigger than your's.

"Could you slow down?" You looked at his face when he turned back to look at you.

"No, you just need to keep up." Ratio glared back at you. He was back to his cold arrogant self again. You groaned and tried to keep up with him.

Soon you two made it to the storage area, you were about to head to go look but Ratio grabbed your arm.

"Y/n! Look where you're going, you imbecile!" He said harshly and pulled you with him behind a crate. He pulled you hard enough you tripped and were now pressed against his body. You felt your cheeks turn a light pink from how awkward the situation was.

"Okay...I think the coast is clear...." Veritas Ratio looked down at you, he didn't seemed bothered at all that you were on his chest. He seemed like he was protecting you, and you then realized because Ruan Mei told him to keep an eye on you. She basically was like a mother who worried about you.

Ratio then grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the spot where the item was on your list, which was some potions of some sort. Ratio grabbed the items. He then led you along again. His hand was on your back as he led you. You felt confused why all the sudden he was protecting you.

"Okay...what's next on the-" Ratio then saw another one of those large bugs. He then shot his chalk at it again. The bug then fell to the floor dead. He then grabbed your forearm and led you out of the area.

"Come on darling, your too slow." He mumbled to you, and it made you blush and look at him in surprise.

"Why are you protect me?" You asked and looked at his face. You and him then saw a very scary looking bug. Ratio quickly took you into a place to hide. It was a small space, so you body was pressed against him once again. You felt embarrassed by it, and Ratio did too after he noticed you cheeks were pink. He was breathing slowly like he was listening to see if the bug was gone or not. You were breathing faster than him. Mostly because you were nervous. You had never seen a bug that big before.

" okay Y/n? You don't look that good..." Ratio looked down at you. You realized you must of looked pale and sick looking. You glared and looked dup at him.
"I'm fine...just...I've never seen a bug that big's kind of terrifying"
You then felt him put a hand on the back of your head. He was...reassuring you?

"It's alright...I've never seen something like that either....but don't worry...I'll keep you safe" Ratio sound cold still and distance, but he was still watching out for you at least.

"Okay...I think it left." Ratio and you then came out of hiding. He then kept leading you through the storage zone. At one point, you and him were getting a certain item. Something then hit you in the arm. You looked at your arm and saw a spike. You felt pain go through your arm. Ratio was nearby and saw and came running at you as he killed off the bug.

"Y/n?!" You heard his voice, but you were in shock and in pain. He then picked you up without warning and started to rush you to get help. You noticed he looked pale and his face looked like he was concerned. He looked down at you ever once in a while to make sure you were breathing.

You then passed out after that. You later woke up in a bed. Your arm was all bandaged up and Ratio was standing outside the glass door and talking to Ruan Mei. You noticed Ruan Mei was looking like she was...comforting him? You heard Ratio say something in a key voice but couldn't make out what is was. You then felt sleepy and laid back down to sleep for a little bit more.

Hope you liked it! God Bless!!!

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