Possible idiot?

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"Y/n, did you find that paper I was missing?" Ruan Mei. Shouted from the other room. You quickly grabbed the important paper she had asked you for.

"Coming!" You yell back and come in the room she is in. You then hand her the paper. She took it from you and smiled.

"Thank you, dear, now can you go down to the storage area and get me some of these ingredients?" she handed you a list of items you needed for an experiment.

"Yes, my lady, right away." You then made you way down to the lower levels of the space station. You then were about to go lower, but sometimes stopped you in your tracks. In front of you was the strangest thing you thought you had ever seen.

A man with orange and redish eyes, and dark purple hair was sitting on what seemed like nothing, and was playing a casual game of chess, with himself?!

You moved a little closer and suddenly, he put a clay looking head on and over his head. He seemed to be muttering to himself about each move he made in chess. He then finally noticed you. He stood up and the chess game disappeared.

"Who are you?" he said while looking at you through the clay head. He had a slight accent to his voice, it made him sound full of himself...and arrogant.

"Um...Ruan Mei sent me down to the storage area from some things," You looked at his face. He then moved closer to you but kept the stone head on.
"Could you help me find the items?" You looked up at him with a hopeful expression.

"Oh? What sort of items? I wish you luck in finding them." He then walked the other way. You looked at him in shock. He could've been less rude about saying no to you asking for help.

"H-hey! I asked for help!" You glared at him. What was with this guy?

He turned around and looked at you.
"I don't waist my time with idiots like you. You have a problem, solve it yourself." He then took off his clay head. His face had a deadpan expression.

You then sighed, giving up on any help you could've got from him. You then made your way to the storage area. You looked around the boxes for the items you needed. You weren't paying attention, though, and a giant bug like monster snuck up behind you. You felt something hit you hard in the back, knocking the wind out of you. You then saw the bug was about to strike again.

"Duck you fool!" You heard a voice say. You then ducked, and a piece of chalk came hurling at the bug. The bug then fell to the floor and stopped moving. You stood up and looked at who had saved you. There stood that same man with the stone/clay head. This time, he had it off. His orange red eyes looked at you like you were stupid.

"Hey, you paying attention to anything while you're in here?" He narrowed his eyes at you.
"You must be an idiot..." *He mumbled to himself, but you heard it loud and clear.

"What was that?" You stood up and dusted your outfit off. You then came closer to him. You were glaring up at his face. He just smirked.

"Hm...I said you must be an idiot..." He then studied your face, and his smirk faded to a frown.
"You're not hurt....right?" He now sounded serious again instead of being cocky and full of himself.

You sigh and pinch your nose.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Now. I better get these items to Ruan Mei..." You turn to leave. He looked at you and started to follow you.

"Why are you following me?" You looked back at him. He just gave a small smile, or maybe it was a smirk.

"Well, to make sure you don't do something stupid again." He then walked beside you. He was quite tall you noticed, and he was kind of muscular, which surprised you because he seemed like the type of guy who would read more than train or workout.

You and him walked in silence till you made it to Ruan Mei's lab again. You went over to her and gave the items. She took them and then she noticed the man who had followed you.

"Ah, Dr. Veritas Ratio, I wondered when you'd be coming..." Ruan Mei smiled at him.

The man named Veritas Ratio bowed slightly.
"Why, yes. I see, I ran into your...lab rat?"

You felt your blood boiled when he called you that.
"I'm her assistant, and my name is y/n!" You pouted and crossed your arms.

"Oh my bad," He sneered. He then leaned against the wall nearby. He crossed his arms over his chest.
"So, Ruan Mei, what sort of experiment did you have in mind?" He looked over at your boss.

"Well, I'll tell you in a moment....I'll be right back, y/n, don't let his words get to you." Ruan Mei then left the room, leaving you and Ratio alone.

Hope you liked it! God Bless 😄😁

Dr. Ratio X F!reader:: Your "Idiot"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin