Ratio's Student

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You continued to talk with Daniel. Ratio just stayed silent and followed you two as you three made your way to get the ingredients. Your hurt from time to time, and Daniel would notice and ask if you were okay.

Veritas Ratio felt his blood boil. He was now feeling jealous that his student knew you so well. He just watched from behind you two with a frown. Daniel seemed to notice his teacher was bering awfully quiet.

"Dr. Ratio? Are you okay?" Daniel was now standing near him as you were looking for an item on the list. Some vile of a certain plant or herb for whatever Ruan Mei was experimenting on now.

"I'm fine, Daniel, just lost in thought is all." Ratio said in a flat tone of voice. It almost sounded defensive. Ratio then sighed and went over to you.

"Hey, Y/n... how is your arm darling?" Ratio spoke softly to you which surprised you but you looked up and saw he was worried for you.

"I'm okay...thank you Dr. Ratio..." you smiled at him then got the vile.
"Okay...next on the list..." you said as Daniel cam over near you. He looked down at the list in your hand.

Ratio felt his jealousy rise again. He crossed his arms. He didn't get why he flet this way about you. He should feel jealous... he used to despise you a little since he thought you were and idiot and got yourself in trouble all the time.

Ratio's eyes looked away. The sight of Daniel and you laughing made him feel jealousy more.

"Okay... on to the next room to find the herbs.." Daniel said then looked at Ratio.
"Professor, are you sure your alright sir? I've never seen you so quiet..." Daniel came over to Ratio. Ratio sighed and waved his hand, dismissing his student's concerns for him.

"I'm fine, Daniel. Let's just keep up with Y/n, okay?" Ratio then followed you, and so did Daniel. Daniel was staring to wonder something about Ratio.


You, on the other hand, were happy to have Daniel their. Your friend was the same as ever, kind and charming as ever. You didn't notice Ratio glaring at you two from time to time.

You and Daniel had gotten all the items while Ratio went off to do something else. He was annoyed by you two doing stuff together. He then walked off to go sit somewhere to read in peace.

Daniel and you went back to Ruan Mei and gave her the items. Daniel then took you to get some food to eat. The two of you were chatting away about what you both were doing now a days.

"Wow, you seem like you have your hands full." Daniel said as he took a bite of his food. You nodded.
"Yeah, being an assistant is tough sometimes, but Ruan Mei is nice."

"Yeah, Ratio is also. He can just be... cold sometimes.." Daniel said and looked at you. You almost thought you saw him blush a little.

"Oh, I know. But... he did save my life." You sighed and took a bite of your food. You then wondered where Ratio was. You almost felt bad for leaving him like that...

"Y/n? You okay?" Daniel touched your shoulder. You flinched and he pulled his hand away.

"Sorry I startled you, you just looked like you were upset or something." Daniel looked concerned for you. You could see it in your friend's eyes.

"I'm fine... maybe I should check on Ratio..." You stood up and walked off to go find him, but Daniel stopped you.

"I wouldn't. He might say something to you he'll regret since he's angry at the moment." Daniel held your wrist. You sighed and sat back down.

"Are you sure?" You looked up at him uncertain.
"It will be okay." Daniel sat down near you. "Let's just let him cool off for now."

Daniel, deep inside, was a little jealous as well. He didn't like Ratio being near his friend. He didn't know why, but it made him feel jealousy.

Ratio was still in the library reading. He was annoyed by how he could think straight. He sighed. Maybe if he took a good bath, it would clear his thoughts...

Ratio headed to find a bathtub to go clear his mind of worry.

Hope you liked it! Sorry I haven't been able to write lately. I'm kind of busy.
God bless!

Dr. Ratio X F!reader:: Your "Idiot"Where stories live. Discover now