Mixed Feelings

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Dr. Ratio and Ruan Mei were still outside, discussioning if you would be able to keep going and get more of the items on the list. You were asleep. And Veritas Ratio glanced in at you. He thought about how he had never felt this concerned over anyone in his life. Not even had he been this concerned about his students either. He sighed and came in the room and looked at you sleeping. He then felt your forehead to make sure she didn't run a fever.

He sighed and sat down in a chair near the bed. He then crossed his arm and looked at you in concern. He also was thinking how he should have been watching you...

Ratio then noticed your hair in your face he moved it out of the way, and then stood up. He had to go and do some other things anyway. You, on the other hand, had to spend some time recovering from your injury.

Dr. Veritas Ratio made his way to where Asta was. She had sent him a text saying she had something for him to do while he waited for you to recover. Asta looked over at him and smiled.

"Hey, Dr. Ratio! So, the reason I texted you was because the Guild sent one of your students here..."

Ratio's eyes widened, "What?! I told them to wait on that! Can't they ever listen?" He sighed.

"Which student is it?" He pinched his nose.

"He says his name is Daniel...." Asta then looked at a young man who was much younger and more around Asta's age stood up. He had short darl brown hair, and his bangs covered his left eye a little. Daniel's green eyes looked at Ratio.
"Hi Professor Ratio, I'm sorry that I'm bothering you but they sent me here, they said had to come and watch you."

Ratio sighed and walked over to the boy. "It's alright, Daniel, I'm just glad it's my top student." Rario was also glad it was a guy. The girls he taught loved to fawn over him.

"So Professor, I heard about your friend Y/n, is she okay?" Daniel looked up at his Professor with concern.

"Yes, she just needs rest for now." Ratio sighed. He then looked at the boy. "Do you...know her?"

Daniel nodded. "I knew her as a way upper classes. Never thought she be working with Ruan Mei one day..."

Daniel then smiled slightly. "So, what exactly are you going to teach me today, Professor?"

Dr. Ratio sighed but smiled. "Come with me, Daniel... how are you fighting skills?"

Daniel looked at him nervously. "Uh...kind of rusty... since I slacked off since you left."

Dr. Ratio chuckled. "Oh? Well, let's see if you remember..." They were now in an area where no one was at. Ratio the waited for Daniel to make a move.

Daniel then sent an attack of small looking butterflies at his Professor like they were darts. Ratio dodged them and smiled.

"Not bad, but can you block?" Dr. Ratio came at Daniel. Daniel then used his shield he made and blocked him. "Seems your path is still working." Ratio said to him.

The two then dueled for a few hours. Soon, Ruan Mei came down and told them that Y/n had finally woken up and was doing better. Behind her, there you were. Your arm was bandaged up, and you felt a little tired yet, but better.

Dr. Ratio came over to you. He smiled for once at you. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," you answer and then noticed Daniel. Your eyes widened in shock. "Hey Daniel!"

Daniel came over and hugged you. "Hi Y/n! How have you been?"

Dr. Ratio's eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms over his chest. Even though he knew you two were friends
He felt a feeling he hadn't experienced for a while...jealousy.

You and Daniel chatted for a moment before Ruan Mei looked at you.  "Well I gave you guys the list again. So, as soon as you feel up to it, can you get  those ingredients y/n?"

You nodded your head and continued to chat with Daniel, not noticing how Ratio was glaring at Daniel.


Hope you liked it! God bless! Also here is a pic.

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