Bathtub of Pure Thoughts

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Ratio had found a bathtub. He felt content and tried to ignore the fact that he was feeling jealous. Why was he feeling like that anyway. He thought you were below him. He didn't get why he felt that way. Maybe he just felt jealous of the friendship you had that he didn't have?

He sighed as he got into the bathtub. He laid back and tried to ignore all those thoughts and clear his mind. He then grabbed his book and started to read it. His mind now thought clearly, and he realized feeling jealous of Daniel with you would not be logical of him.

Ratio continued to read his book on Geometry and Trigonometry and other types of math he taught. Math just helped him clear his mind. It always had... when he had been captured as a child...he...

Ratio tried to shake the thought away. That was a long time ago, and bad memories came from that. Now, he was a scholar and a professor.

He sighed. He then set his book down and relaxed his muscles. He then heard his phone ring. He picked it up and saw Aventurine's name on the screen. He sighed and answered it.

"What do you want?" Ratio annoyed that someone disturbed his bath.
Aventurine laughed on the other end of the phone.

"Wow! Someone's grumpy. Hey Ratio, so... whatcha up to?"

Ratio sighed. "Trying to clear my head, and why are you calling? Is it because you're bored? Why don't you pick on Topaz instead of spending your time bothering me?"
Rario was getting a little annoyed. Aventurine loved to be a bother. He didn't know how he was still friends with him, mostly because he ignored the teasing, but today, he couldn't stand it.

"Oh my Veritas Ratio... you usually never talk back. Why the sudden hostility? You're starting to act like Topaz..." Aventurine chuckled and sighed.

Ratio took a deep breath. "It's none of your concern, now, leave me alone Aventurine, I'm trying to-"

"Is it a girl? Have you met the girl of your dream, Ratio?"
Aventurine laughed when Ratio said nothing.
"Oh? You did meet a girl! Well, Ratio... need some tips?"

Rario said nothing and hung up. Aventurine sent a text saying, (
"Fine, but if you need tips, I'm willing to help.😉")

Ratio texted back,
("No, and I'm perfectly capable of getting a girl, now leave me be. 😒")

Ratio then sent his phone on the wooded stand near the tub. He then laid back again and sighed. He then before he could do anything else, the door to the room opened, and you were standing there. For a second, your eyes widened, and you then felt embarrassed. Ratio stared at you as well, his eyes wide. He noticed you looked at his chest for a moment, and now he was confused.

"What? Haven't seen a man's chest before?" He was teasing but also sounded embarrassed. You just blushed more and closed the door quickly.

"Sorry..." you said from outside the door. "I just wanted to check on you to see how you were... I'm so sorry." You calmed down after a moment, but the door opened behind you. Veritas Ratio stood there with his pants on, but his shirt wasn't on yet. You knew now he was trying to get your attention, definitely.

In reality, Ratio had asked for some advice from Aventurine since Aventurine was kind of right. Ratio didn't know how to flirt very well. Aventurine said to show off his "handsome bust," which made Ratio question when Aventurine had ever seen his chest and creep him out.

Ratio looked down at you. He felt weird doing this, but he decided to try.
"It's okay. It's not a big deal anyway, I'm not upset." Ratio smiled down at you, which surprised you greatly.

"Uh...okay..." You were blushing still. Your eyes were on his chest for a moment but then looked at his face. Eventually, Ratio put his shirt back on he was struggling to button it, though. You then came closer and started to help him.

"Ah... thanks, Y/n... " Ratio cleared his throat he was embarrassed, but he kept his face from turning pink.

"No problem... sometimes I struggle after a bath to button my clothes, since your fingers are slippery..." You then got to his collar and made sure it looked neat. Ratio meanwhile was now turning pink. He felt nervous having you so close. You were very kind to him, even after you called you dumb and an idiot.

"Uh... well, I should go." You sighed. You stepped back and smiled. "See you later, Ratio, I need to assist Ruan Mei at the moment." You looked at your phone and turned to leave.

"Wait," Ratio grabbed your wrist. He then realized he had and let go once you faced him. "Hey, how about I give my phone number to you, just in case you need assistance." Ratio told you his number as you put it in your phone. You then said bye, and he just nodded and smiled at you. He, for once, was very nice, which was quite strange.

Ratio watched you leave and sighed. He felt his face turn red. "I'm never taking advice from Aventurine again... that was... so unlike my personality, and I shouldn't lie about who I am to her... " Ratio then angrily sent a text to Aventurine.
("Your advice was out of my personality, never doing that again!")

Aventurine replied,
("Oh? But did she like it?"😉)

Ratio groaned as he texted him back.
("I... think she did? She was blushing...but I felt kind of bad. I did that..."🫤)

Ratio then put his phone in his pocket and walked off to the library.


Hope you enjoyed it! God Bless!

Dr. Ratio X F!reader:: Your "Idiot"Where stories live. Discover now