Missing Parents

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You and Ratio looked around for a moment. You then looked at him.

"Hey, Dr. Ratio... maybe we could visit my family in the meantime. My mother loves to cook food for all people."

You then led him down a certain street in Penacony, to where some houses were. You then went up and knocked on the door.

"My parents are hopefully home. They both work now, well, last I checked with them a month ago." You knocked again. No answer. Veritas came up the stairs near you.

"Hm... is the door open?" He touched the door handle and turned it. It opened up, and you and Ratio held your breath. Inside, the nice home with the wooded themed walls was destroyed. You looked around and felt a pang in your chest as you went inside. The furniture had been thrown around and the while place was trashed. A note was on the floor and Ratio picked it up as you ran through your house, yelling.

"Mom! Dad?" You looked upstairs and downstairs and in the basement. Nothing. Just a trashed up house.

Ratio looked down at the note he found. He read it, and when you came over to the note, you read what it said.

[Y/n, this is mom and dad. If you find this note, please just stay safe. Don't worry about us. Just save yourself. Their after you, dear. You have a special path, and remember the necklace with the blue stone on it? Keep it hidden. They are looking for it. It holds the key to what power they look for.]

You looked up from the note. You were breathing slowly, and your heart was racing slightly. Your one hand was curled in a fist.

"They took them. I can't believe those sneaky..." You felt anger boil inside of you.

"Who took them?" Veritas Ratio said as he felt you hand him back the note. You walked over and saw what looked to be a blue feather. You went to touch it, but Ratio grabbed your hand.

"Don't touch that! That's a knife of some kind!"
You blinked and realized he was right. It wasn't a feather, but someone had tricked her to thinking that. The knife was in someone's hand. A tall masked man stood before them. You and Ratio froze in fear.

"Y/n... run!" Ratio said to you, and you ran. Ratio meanwhile was trying to fight the guy. He threw chalk after chalk at the man's face, and before then, man stumbled and felt in pain.
Ratio came up behind you as you ran. He looked back and saw the masked man look at you and him. He punched the guys in the jaw, hoping to knock him out. The guy crumpled to the ground.

You kept running till you and Ratio made it to the fountain in the main square. You both sat down to catch your breath.

"That was... close." You said and you looked at Ratio. He had a slight cut on his arm.

"You okay?" You came closer and touched his arm to inspect his wound.
Ratio flinched, but let you touch him.

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch." Ratio said as he cleared his throat. He felt you touch his cut, which stung, and he winced. You then used your path and abilities to heal his arm. He saw a frost like stuff fall from your hand to his arm. It felt cold and soothing on the wound.

"Thanks." Ratio looked at you and nodded. He then pulled his arm away from your hand. He then looked around, making sure no one was coming to hurt you.
"Y/n, maybe you should stick with me from now on." Veritas sounded... worried about you, which was a shock.

"Oh, um... but you might get hurt again, and it's my family, and I know who has them... I can do it myself." You sighed as you looked at his face. His eyes looked down at you, trying to hide his concern behind his pride.

"No. I'm staying with you, y/n. You need protection." He then smiled a little at you before standing up. He then helped you to your feet.

You and him then stood there a moment. Ratio was lost in thought.

"Hm... so... who took your parents?" He looked at you curiously. Your anger grew in that moment, though.

You looked at an actual blue feather you had found. You then sighed, and you remembered the name of the guy. You were friends with his little sister Robin when you were little. You sighed again and faced Ratio and showed him the feather.

"Look familiar?" You held up the feather, and Ratio nodded.

"I'm guessing we might have to pay a visit to Sunday, and Robin?" He looked at you. You nodded.

"That angel man has some explaing to do." You said as you both started to walk, hopefully to get your parents back.


☆Hope you like it! And thanks to those who gave suggestions! ☆

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