Chapter 8

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"I'm gonna do it." Y/N told Tammy, as she walked into the dressing room. It was their first show in France and after her conversation with Joe, Y/N knew what she had to do.

"What are you doing?" Tammy looked up from her magazine at the pacing lead singer.

"I'm gonna break up with Doug." Y/N stopped her pacing as she looked over at her best friend. Tammy immediately started smiling.


"I don't know. I don't think I can do it over the phone so I will probably have to wait until we go back home."

"But that's months away." Tammy pointed out, earning a sigh.

"I know. If I do it before then though, I can't guarantee that he won't throw my stuff out."

"It's a shame we don't have a break before we go to America." Tammy told her.

"There's nothing that we can do about that. When the tour ends I'll break up with him."

"And when you do, my front door is open for you for as long as you need." Tammy reassured her.


The shows in France went well. With every day that passed, Ultraviolet were settling into the tour life and enjoying every show. Joe and Y/N were still staying away from each other but it wasn't as awkward as before. They would be polite to one another and engage in conversations, but as soon as the two were alone, one would leave the room.

Y/N didn't know if she could trust herself around the Def Leppard frontman. Every day that she spent with the man, or even just in the same room as him, she found herself falling more and more for him. She was sure that everyone around her could tell but she couldn't bring herself to care.

Until the tour ended and she broke up with Doug, she knew that she couldn't do anything about her growing feelings. She just hoped that Joe would be willing to wait for her.

Little did she know, Joe was having similar thoughts about her. After he found her outside the hotel, he couldn't keep his mind off of her. He was pleased that she was finally going to break up with Doug but at the same time, that didn't mean she would want to pursue anything with him. Yes they kissed but that didn't mean that she would want to be with him.

Afterall, the woman would only have just gotten out of a serious relationship, an unhealthy one at that. Joe knew that he couldn't date her when she was in such a fragile state, no matter how much he wanted her.


A week after they arrived in France, it was time for the two bands to travel to America. It was a nearly eleven hour flight and almost all the way throughout, Johnny wouldn't shut up. Y/N could tell that all of Def Leppard, aside from Rick who was asleep, was getting annoyed along with Benji.

Y/N however, couldn't bring herself to become agitated at the excited drummer, afterall, it was their first time to America and Y/N was feeling ecstatic as well, she just hid it better and kept all her excitement inside.

Joe sat opposite Y/N after Tammy and Sav had made him. The two lead singers assumed that it was their bassists' idea of a joke and they didn't bother to argue with them. Both of them spent the flight talking quietly, trying to drown out Johnny's incessant talking. It felt like things were back to normal after their kiss. It was as if nothing had happened between them.

Johnny eventually wore himself out after five hours, much to everyone's relief and the plane fell silent for a moment. Y/N decided that now would be a good time to talk to Joe seriously.

"Thank goodness he is finally asleep." Y/N joked earning a hushed laugh from Joe.

"I wasn't going to say anything so I am glad you did." Joe told her, the dimple on his left cheek was more prominent than ever.

"I'm breaking up with Doug when we get home." Y/N told Joe bluntly, earning a stunned look in response.

"You are?" Joe asked, happy that she was really going to do it.

"Yeah. You helped me realise that he isn't who I should be with."

Joe felt himself swallow at her words. He couldn't help the way his heart started beating faster and he could only hope that she wasn't able to notice.

"Well, I'm glad I could help." Joe told her, his throat not used to the sudden dryness that had overcome it.

"Did you mean what you said the other day?" Y/N asked him, deciding that there was no way back now. "That you would be there for me?"

Joe gently smiled at her, taking her hand in his and rubbing his thumb over the back.

"Every word."


They finally arrived in America. Both bands were booked into a hotel in Georgia so that they could all get some sleep before their first American show the next day, however, they all found themselves in Joe and Sav's room. None of them could sleep from the never fading excitement of the tour. They had all had plenty of sleep on the plane and the time difference had messed with their sleep schedules.

Everyone was either laying on one of the two beds in the room, or on the floor, but they were all slightly too drunk to care. Y/N didn't drink very often so she found herself getting quite drunk very quickly.

Lucky, she didn't end up vomiting but instead passed out on Joe's lap. The man just ran his fingers through her hair, lulling her into a deeper slumber. He soon noticed a pair of eyes on him and turned to his drummer.

"What?" He questioned him in a hushed tone as not to wake the sleeping girl on his lap.

"You're in love with her aren't you." Rick spoke knowingly.

Joe went to protest but was interrupted.

"Yes." Sav stated, looking over between his two bandmates. "There's no point denying it mate."

Joe didn't even bother responding, he couldn't deny their claims. He just wanted to enjoy holding the woman on his lap. He didn't know if he would be able to do it again.

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