Chapter 11

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It was no secret between Def Leppard and Ultraviolet that Joe and Y/N were seeing each other. They decided however, not to let members of the crew find out, mostly to protect Y/N's reputation as she was still technically with Doug.

The two of them spent every moment they could together, Joe even went on Ultraviolet's tour bus a few times. When he was there, Tammy noticed the difference in her best friend's behaviour, Y/N was more outgoing and confident around Joe. Everyone could see it.

However, Y/N had been so caught up in Joe that she had forgotten to call Doug in days. She was dreading the next phone call to him, having to pretend that everything was okay between them and that she wasn't seeing Joe. Doug was already suspicious that Y/N was cheating on him and she had no idea how to hide that she was.

When they finally stopped at the next venue, Y/N decided to bite the bullet and call Doug.

"Where are you off to love?" Joe asked as Y/N wiggled her way out of his arms.

"I have to call Doug."

Joe smiled sadly at her. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"I would say yes but I can't let him know that I am with you and when you're around I can't stop smiling. He'll hear it in my voice." Y/N told him.

"Okay sweetheart. You know where I am." Joe gave her hand a squeeze before letting go of her so she could call Doug.

When Y/N dialled the familiar number, she was met with the answer phone. It was a bit of a shock to her because she didn't realise that they had one, but she just shrugged it off that Doug had gotten one so he wouldn't miss calls when he was out. Y/N left a short message on the phone before hanging up and returning to Joe.

"That was quick." Joe spoke as he accepted her back into his hold.

"No answer." She told him plainly before leaning up to peck his lips. Joe deepened the kiss, pulling her close to him by her waist. However, they were interrupted by mock gagging.

"My poor innocent eyes." Phil joked covering his face and pretending to bump into things. Steve followed behind with uncontrollable laughter.

"There's nothing innocent about your eyes Phillip." Joe told him, slightly annoyed that they had been interrupted. Phil just looked at him in mock offence before he too burst out laughing. The two guitarists then left the room, off to who knows where, leaving Joe and Y/N alone again.

"We best get ready." Y/N whispered as Joe moved to connect their lips again.

"Yeah, in a minute." Joe then moved forward to kiss her again before eventually pulling away. "I'll see you in a little while."


A few days later they were in California. The one thing Y/N found about touring was that she was always so tired after spending nights on the bus. Nothing could take her excitement away, but she looked forward to the times she could spend either in a hotel or naps backstage if they arrived early.

California was better than Y/N could've imagined, Apparently Johnny was excited too because much like on the plane to America, he hadn't shut up. Y/N wished that she could've joined Def Leppard on their bus just to get away from the over excited drummer. Their first Californian show was in Irvine. They were performing there for two nights before going to San Diego.

Y/N still hadn't managed to get a hold of Doug. She had tried to work out time zones so that she wouldn't end up calling when he was asleep or at work but she could never seem to catch him. It wasn't until after their first show in Irvine that she found out why.

Once Ultraviolet finished their set, like always they showered up and went back to watch Def Leppard perform. Y/N felt off for some reason. She felt like there was something different about this particular show compared to all the ones they had done before. It wasn't until Gavin came around the corner that she realised what.

"Look who I found." The Ultraviolet manager announced unenthusiastically.

"Hello Y/N."


Tammy had kindly said that she would tell everyone where Y/N had gone whilst she went to talk to Doug.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked, obviously annoyed with her boyfriend's presence.

"What, you're not happy to see me?" Doug asked with a smug grin on his face. He knew that Y/N didn't want him on tour and he took much joy in the fact that he had given her no choice.

"How did you even know we were performing here tonight?"

"Well a guy from work mentioned about how his cousin had tickets to the first show in California so I booked a few days off of work and got last minute tickets. Though you should probably refund me, being your boyfriend and all."

"That's why you haven't been answering." Y/N said more to herself than anyone else.

"Anyway, aren't you gonna hug me or something."

"No. You should have told me you were coming. We have no room for an extra person. Or the money to accommodate them."

"Not even me?" Doug asked with a faux pout.

"No. Not a single other partner has come along on tour. Not one person has invited themselves along either. What makes you so different?"

"I need to keep an eye on you."


"Well it's obvious Y/N. You don't want me here so that you can sleep with whoever you want. I'm here to stop that from happening."

"Is everything alright out here?" Y/N looked back and saw Joe make his way towards them. She could feel the nervous sweat pouring down her brow.

"Everything is fine. Isn't it Y/N." Doug wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She quickly moved away from him and closer to Joe. Not close enough though in her opinion.

"Actually it isn't. Doug I can't do this anymore."

"Can't do what?"

"This. You followed me halfway across the world to check on me, after I told you not to come. You dragged me out of a pub because you got embarrassed. You couldn't even be happy for me when I started to get modelling jobs and that's only to name a few things." Y/N took a deep breath. "I can't do this anymore. We're over."

"You don't get to decide that." Doug laughed.

"Excuse me?"

"You don't get to decide we're over. Not after everything I've done for you."

"This isn't up for discussion Doug."

Doug took a threatening step forward, however Joe stepped in the way. Up until that point he had kept quiet but he couldn't let this idiot near Y/N.

"You heard her. Go."

"Fine, I'll go. But you're not getting anything out of my flat." Doug tried to aggravate Y/N.

Before she could answer, Joe beckoned over security that the venue had and told them to 'get rid'.

"Let's go find Tammy love." Joe encouraged her and moved her back to the green room.

After Def Leppard found out that Doug was there, they all gathered to wait for Y/N to come back. When her and Joe entered, Y/N immediately burst into tears in Tammy's arms. Joe filled everyone in on everything.

"I'll get my sister to get your stuff out of the flat before Doug gets back. Spare key still in the same place?" Tammy asked her as she passed the crying girl over to Joe so she could phone her sister. Y/N just simply nodded as she cried in Joe's arms. 

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