Chapter 10

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When Y/N woke up the next morning and stretched her arms out, she felt something next to her. It didn't take long to register that it was Joe lying beside her and suddenly the memories of the night before flooded back. Looking over at the man next to her, she saw that Joe was still peacefully asleep.

Y/N glanced over at the hotel clock and saw that it was still early and they wouldn't be leaving for another few hours. She snuggled back into Joe's arms, hyper aware that they were both naked. It wasn't long before he started to stir, fluttering his eyes open to gaze at the woman in his arms.

"Morning." The rasp in Joe's voice made Y/N's heart skip a beat.

"Good morning."

Joe leaned over and kissed her, both of them smiling into it, causing the kiss to be light and brief. Y/N reached up and stroked the side of Joe's face as she pecked his lips again.

"Thank you for last night." She grinned up at him. An expression he reciprocated.

"Anytime love."

The two of them laid in each other's arms until they had to get up. Enjoying the peace whilst it lasted. Y/N couldn't recall ever being so calm in a man's arms. Joe kept running his fingers up and down her side, eliciting pleasant goosebumps. Y/N had her leg over his waist, locking him in closer so that he couldn't get up even if he wanted to. And Joe definitely didn't want to.

When they had to get up, Y/N noticed that Joe couldn't stop looking at her, causing her to turn away from him. She didn't realise that Joe had made his way behind her until he wrapped his arms around her middle and gently trailed his lips down her neck. Y/N turned to look at him, a smile gracing her face yet again.

"What's got you all shy sweetheart?" Joe asked her in between kisses.

"You staring." Y/N told him slightly breathless from his actions.

"No need to be shy love, you are gorgeous."

Y/N couldn't remember the last time she had been told she was gorgeous from someone other than Tammy. Doug never complimented her anymore. The reminder of her boyfriend causes Y/N to straighten up. Joe didn't need to ask why, he knew that she felt guilty over what they did.

"Don't think about him darlin'." Joe whispered, turning her in his arms.

Joe carefully backed Y/N up against the wall, due to the height difference, he towered over her slightly as he gazed into her eyes. Lowering his lips to hers, Joe caught her in yet another passionate kiss wiping her mind of anything but him.

They were so caught up in each other that they didn't hear the knocking on Y/N's door, or hear the door open. It was only when Johnny gasped dramatically that the two pulled apart. The Ultraviolet drummer stuttered before he could get any words out.

"Well... this is new."


There was silence on the Ultraviolet bus as the group travelled to the next city. Johnny kept staring at Y/N and she was avoiding his gaze at all costs. Tammy soon figured out something was wrong but it was actually Benji that eventually spoke up.

"What's happened?" He asked as he looked between the lead singer and the drummer. Neither answered straight away but soon Johnny gave in.

"Y/N slept with Joe." Johnny blurted out



Benji sounded quite disgusted but Tammy seemed ecstatic.

"How do you know I slept with him?"

"Please, as if he was just kissing you in your room first thing in the morning when he didn't stay the night."

Y/N couldn't respond to that and she didn't have to. Tammy quickly spoke up with enthusiasm.

"You slept with Joe. How was he?"

"Bloody hell Tammy." Benji looked at her.

"What, we're all adults here."

"Still, she obviously isn't going to answer that." Benji then directed his attention to Y/N. "How many times?"

"Just the once..."

"So far." Tammy murmured, earning a glare from the guitarist.

"But we kissed a few weeks ago." Y/N finished.

"I hope you know what you're doing Y/N/N." Benji warned.

"Don't you want her to be happy. Joe makes her happy." Tammy defended.

"Of course we do." Johnny spoke this time. "But we all know what Doug is like and if he finds out..."

"I know." Y/N ran her fingers through her hair.

"So what is going to happen now?" Tammy asked as she grabbed Y/N's hand to stop her nervous tick.

"I'm not really sure. I don't want to commit to anything until after I break up with Doug, but I really like Joe."

"What about when he goes back to Sheffield and we are in London?" Benji asked.

"Again I don't know. Everything seems so much at the minute. I don't know how anything is going to work.

Benji wrapped his arms around the singer, something that was out of character for him. "You need to figure this out, Y/N/N. For both yours and Joe's sake."


The next night they had a show but Y//N felt herself distracted throughout. She still gave it her all but images of Def Leppard's singer flashed through her head. It was too late to worry about Doug now that she had slept with Joe but that didn't stop the thoughts that Y/N should wait before starting anything with him.

The last thing Y/N wanted was to hurt him, especially when he had been nothing short of kind to her. She knew that she didn't have much time to figure it out and that she would have to speak to Joe sooner or later.

When Ultraviolet's set finished, Y/N made her way backstage to the venue showers when she was pulled into a small room. She didn't have much time to think as she felt a pair of soft lips on hers. It wasn't hard for her to figure out that the lips belonged to Joe, Y/N was all too familiar with them now and she couldn't help but melt into the kiss.

"Hi." Joe whispered breathlessly against her lips.

"Hello." She replied, kissing him again. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"Already am love, I just wanted a minute with you."

They didn't get much time before someone called Joe's name out. They quickly recognised Steve and Phil's laughter echoing through the corridor and they separated quickly to avoid being caught again.

"We'll finish this later sweetheart." Joe winked at her before leaving her to her thoughts. Y/N knew she had to figure everything out soon, blissfully unaware of the storm heading her way.

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