Chapter 13a

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A few months had passed by and it was finally the end of the tour. As much fun as everyone had been having, they were all exhausted. Almost everyone was looking forward to going home. Everyone but Y/N and Joe.

For Y/N she had to move in with Tammy, which obviously she didn't mind, but moving flats the same day as getting off tour was going to be exhausting. Thankfully, Tammy's sister had organised everything ready for Y/N to sort but she would be sleeping on the couch for a while.

For Joe, the idea of leaving Y/N in London when he had to go back to Sheffield felt sickening. Especially when he couldn't be there for if Doug came back around again. Not Just that but the idea of not waking up next to his girlfriend everyday left a sour taste in his mouth.

Y/N and Joe had discussions about how their relationship would work long-distance and the only solution was phone calls everyday and occasional trips between London and Sheffield. It wasn't the most practical solution but neither one of them wanted to end what they had. For the first time in a long while the two of them were at their happiest.

After the last show, they were all booked into a hotel so that they could fly out the next morning well rested. Every member of each band welcomed the bed they were able to sleep in rather than a bunk where they could hardly roll over.

Like normal, Joe and Y/N shared a hotel room. The two of them were laying naked between the hotel's cotton sheets, sweating and panting from the activities that they had just partaken in. Although it wasn't the end, it felt weirdly like a goodbye and Joe couldn't bring himself to let go of the women in his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you." Y/N whispered to him as she drew shapes on his chest with her fingers.

"I'm gonna miss you too, love, but I'll see you really soon, I promise." Joe told her as he kissed the top of her head. He felt a gentle kiss to his chest and he let out a silent sigh.

"I know, but after tomorrow, I'm not going to see you for a while." She smiled sadly as she leaned up and kissed Joe again.

"I have a crazy idea." Joe said, making Y/N sit up slightly and look at him.


"It's really insane." Joe said as he grabbed both of Y/N's hands and placed a delicate kiss on them.

"What is it Joe?"

"What if you moved to Sheffield with me? Not tomorrow but in a week. Get all your stuff sorted and come live with me."

"Oh wow, um..." Y/N started quite speechless. Joe was right, it was a crazy idea. "As much as I'd love that, what about Ultraviolet?"

"I'm sure you will all work it out, love." Joe told her.

"I don't know Joe. Isn't it too soon?"

"Maybe but there are no rules for that." Y/N's heart broke as she watched the excitement drain out of his eyes.

"I'm not sure. Can I think about it?"

Joe just nodded in response, an awkward silence taking over the room.


"He asked you what?" Tammy exclaimed in a whisper as Y/N told her what Joe had said the night before.

"Shhh Tammy." They were all on the plane home and after Y/N had told Joe that she couldn't move in with him, there had been tension between them. "He asked me to move to Sheffield with him."

"And you said no?" Tammy looked at her like she was crazy.

"I told him that I don't know."

"Y/N what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking about the band Tammy. We are just getting started and you are all in London."

"Y/N/N listen to me." Tammy looked at her with a soft smile. "We can work that all out. You have never been happier than you have been with Joe and after everything you went through with Doug you deserve this."

"Go to Sheffield Y/N." Both women turned to look at Benji as he spoke. "Stop thinking about the band for a moment. We are portable. There are studios up and down the country. Joe is in Sheffield."

Y/N thought about her bandmates words for the rest of the flight. A part of her wanted to go without hesitation but the other part of her was screaming at her to stay in London and she didn't know which part to choose.


When the plane landed both bands exchanged phone numbers, agreeing to keep in contact. Y/N didn't know how long it would last for but she hoped that they could all tour together again at some point.

Joe stood off to the side as he watched the woman he was falling in love with say goodbye to his bandmates. When she spotted him watching her, she quickly finished her goodbye to Phil and Steve and made her way over to Joe. Immediately he wrapped her up in his arms and placed his lips on hers.

They could hear their bandmates whistling and cheering but they didn't stop for another minute or two. When they eventually pulled away Joe brushed some hair behind Y/N's ear.

"Promise me you'll think about it?" Joe asked her as he looked down at her now crying face.

"That's all I've thought about." She told him. "Call me as soon as you're home?" She asked as she unwrapped her arms from his around his neck and grabbed his hands.

"Of course darlin'" Joe smiled at her before wiping her tears away. "Don't cry otherwise you'll start me off and no one wants to see that." He joked earning a small giggle.

Their little moment was ruined by Peter encouraging Joe along. The two kissed one last time before they pulled apart. No more words were exchanged as Joe walked away, leaving Y/N crying in Tammy's arms.

Ultraviolet all said goodbye to each other as Tammy and Y/N found Tammy's sister waiting outside the airport. Tammy's sister hugged Y/N before Tammy earned a scoff from the bassist but deep down she knew Y/N needed a hug more.

The two musicians fell asleep on the small journey back to the flat and when they arrived they thanked Tammy's sister again before going inside and making a start on Y/N's bin bags. They were about halfway through the exhausting task when there was a knock at the door.

Y/N got up to answer it but felt chills down her spine when she saw who it was.

"Hello Y/N."

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