
I smirk at this familiar face. I know this girl. And god does she look gorgeous tonight.

"Hey Princess. Hudson Walton" I stick my hand out for her to shake. Her delicate hands find mine and shake her hand. She quickly pulls her hand away, but I can still feel the warmth of her hand in mine. 

Her mom, Catherine speaks up. "Oh, so you two already know each other?"

Before I can respond, the girl is quick to her answer. "Not quite." And gives me a look. 

"Whats your name Princess? I'd like to put a name with the pretty face." She looks back at me, shocked at my sudden flirtation. 

"Blair Vanderbilt. Also, Im sorry isn't this supposed to be business?"  Blair. The prettiest fucking name I've ever heard in my whole life. 

Her dad speaks up and says, "Oh yes, we were just leaving, come on Catherine." Catherine walks over to William and leaves me and Blair alone to ourselves. 

"Oh look at that, just us again Princess." I look up at her visibly tense, glad to know I have that effect on her. 

"Look Mr. Walton-"

'Hudson. Call me anything but that."

"What? Why? Is that not your name?"

"No, it's just I spent my whole life trying to live up to my parents, that I could never be them."

I watch her face drop, and her look at me with sympathetic eyes, almost as if she understood. Or maybe she doesn't I don't know anything about this girl. Yet. 

Changing the topic I ask, "Want a drink?" 

"Are you assuming I'm old enough?" 

"I mean, well, no, um, I didn't mean," I clear my throat. I don't think I've ever been embarrassed by a girl before. This is weird. This is different. 

"Its ok Hudson, I understand. I would love a drink." My god the way my name rolls off her tongue, I could listen to that all day. I could just look at her all day.

I extend my bent arm out for her to take, and surprisingly without any comments, she loops her arm through mine and walks with me over to the bar. I order a whiskey as she orders a martini, classy, I like it. 

As our drinks come through Blair brings up the dreaded business between us. I can tell Blair isn't one for business and was dragged to this by her parents by the way she's been acting towards it. Me on the other hand, I love business, it was the only thing that I found I was good at that my parents would actually notice me for. I let Blair finish her initiating speech and I can't lie, she's got natural talent. The way she says things just makes me want to go through with the deal. It would make anyone go through with the deal. 

"Blair, can you be honest with me? Do you really want to do this?"

She stares at me for a second, before looking away and around the room. Then she speaks up, "I'm only here as punishment." I give her a confused look.

"What do you mean 'punishment'?" 

"I mean I snuck out to a party last night and apparently drunk me wasn't smart enough to put her car keys back where they should've been and my mom found out and dragged me here. Anything else you want to know, cause you know, you're on a roll."

I chuckled, "Actually yes. So you like parties?"

"No. I actually hate them, I just go to one every weekend for shits and giggles."

"You're funny, I like you."

"Thats funny, cause I don't like you."

I look at her for a second, and, ouch. That one hurt. 

Why is it that the one girl, that I actually want, not just for a hookup, doesn't want me?

"What are the odds, that me and you, get out of here and go to a real party?"

"How drunk can I get?"

"However drunk you want, Princess."

She smiles at me, "Lets get the fuck out of here then." 

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