Chapter Ten

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"So, you hid in the pool with Christian in silence until Aunt Lily and Jason finished their love moment in the kitchen?" I scrunch up my face in disgust.

Valentina wiggled her eyebrows, nodding. "Just call it sex, Addie."

I ignore her, ask the question eager to leave my mouth. "I'm still stuck on the part where you literally saw your Uncle having that with his wife." I whine. It was way too weird, but I had gotten used to Uncle Jaxon and Aunt Lily's moments they do. PDA at it's finest.

"Well, I swear his dick was hard." She squeals. "I'm not even being delusional, Addie. I felt it!"

I nod, furrowing my eyebrows in actual concern for my best friend. "Honey, are you okay? Genuinely." I softly say, pressing the back of my hand against her forehead to check for a fever. Who knows, maybe a cold caught her.

Valentina narrows her eyes at me and throws the nearest object she found on my bed at me. My pillow. I gasp, widening my eyes. "Stop! Fine, sorry!" I cry out as she throws a bunch of my pillows at me.

"You suck, you're supposed to be supporting my delusions." Valentina sticks her tongue out.

I roll my eyes. "That's why they're called delusions."

Valentina crosses her arms, throwing her back on the mattress. "He's totally in love with me."

I breath slowly, preparing to tell her the worse. "Who? The manwhore of the house who's just been spotted leaving Lars club with two women in his arms. Valentina, please make him jealous for once. Pick up your pride he swept down."

Valentina quickly shoots up to a sitting position on her knees. "What?! Another picture, he is so unfair. I'm here, and I'm legal. He can totally have sex with me now."

Did she listen to anything I said?

"Just test him out," I place my hands on each side of her soldier. "If he gets jealous seeing you with another guy, I will shut up and finally agree he's the man of your poetic dreams. If he doesn't care, stop trying to show him who you are. Eventually, you'll find a better man for you." I know they're meant to be, it's in their genes to fall in love. I just wanted Christian to prove it.

Valentina's eyes soften, reality finally making her realize my words are right. "Okay, but since you brought this idea upon my head, it's time for some trouble." She smiles.

I freeze. Oh, no. What did you do, Addie? "No, no, no. Leave your daredevil side out of this." I raise my finger in warning.

Valentina shakes her head. "Too late, tonight we're visting my brother's club."

Gosh, kill me now.

And when Valentina plans a concept idea, there's no stoppping her. She gets what she wants. Always the hard way.

"Guess who brought cupcakes!" The door opens, making me jump in surprise. I smile when I notice Bridget walk in with a tray of pink-icing chocolate cupcakes.

Valentina moves away from the edge of the bed so my sister could sit. "So, any gossip?" She hands each of us a cupcake, but doesn't eat one herself.

I shrug, I never had anything new in my life. So, I turn to Val. "Anything new, Valentina?" Of course, there was something new. It's Valentina, everyday in her life there has to be something dramatic occurring. She purposely plans dangerous things for the plot. I find it iconic but scary.

How can someone risk their life for fun and the storyline? It's just so careless.

Maybe I'll understand one day.

"Fine, I'll tell you." Valentina smiles cheekily at Bridget. "But tell my brother and I'll be so mad." She precautions Bridget with a serious face.

Bridget shrugs. "As if I even talk to your brother."

"Right, you guys fuck instead of talking. Understandable." Valentina nods in thought, making me and Bridget lean to each other and watch her in a shocked face.

Bridget ignores her weird comment. "Anyhow, everyone in this house knows about your crush. Therefore, let me guess, it's about Christian."

Valentina lays her body on her stomach, grabbing another cupcake and biting into it. I watch the tray in temptation, I couldn't even swallow mine without feeling nauseous. I ignore the hunger and move my eyes from the tray. Focus. Eat one more and you'll have to throw up. Eat one more and you'll gain weight.

Okay, I'm fine now.

By the time my vision shows clear, Valentina finished her gossip with Bridget who was invented in the story of the pool. "Great, girl. Make your move and go fuck him." She advises.

Valentina grins. "That's what I'm talking about." She giggles, pointing at me. "Look at your sister, even she agrees with me, you should be like her."

I laugh, ignoring the comparance. She didn't mean it like that, but I have to take everything into heart. What's wrong with me? God, I'm so pathetic.

Bridget frowns. "As I said, do whatever you'd like with Christian, but just keep my baby sister away from it."

Valentina raised an eyebrow. "She's not a baby, she's soon-to-be eighteen."

Bridget rolls her eyes. "When I was eighteen, I was busy studying law."

I watch them argue, feeling sick of the daily-dose of arguments that reduce me to edge. Selfish from me to say, but as much as I love my family, I hate living with them. I just wish there was something I could do to escape this reality of living here. Everyday, an argument has to occur. Everyday, an article has to publish. Everyday, I'm still the Meadows' disappointment.


I'm really debating whether to focus on King Of Vengeance only, or write a book as I complete KOV. I've been desiring a high-school / university romance that has blissful chaos vibes. (Like friendships and multiple povs) I did this a few years ago, I wrote two books at once but one of the books I had slow updates. I just miss like young romance so much.

I don't know, that's why I'm taking my amazing friends / readers opinions. Please tell me if I should follow do it but the new book would be slow updates. Idk to be honest. Just a thought of my silly mind.

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