CHAPTER ONE: ghostface's back?

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"Attention Panthers! A reminder that all classes and school activities are canceled tomorrow due to public safety concern

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"Attention Panthers! A reminder that all classes and school activities are canceled tomorrow due to public safety concern." A woman's voice spoke to the school as Ziggy was sat in between Wes and Amber.

"That was Sam." Wes, her boyfriend, told them after he hung up. "She's coming?" Amber asked, annoyed, and the blonde leaned her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Yeah." He anwered and Mindy continued to text someone on her phone, while Ziggy just mindlessly scrolled on her phone.

"Watch everything get worse." Ziggy understood that Amber was just worried about her friend, but Sam's her sister, there's no way she would hurt Tara in any way.

"Listen, all I'm saying is that, with everything going on, I think it's time we take our relationship to next, most intimate level." Chad said as he and Liv approached the group.

"He wants me to accept his Find My Fam request." The pink haired girl announced and Ziggy chuckled at them.

"It's the smartest option with a would be killer on the loose. You know exactly where I am, and I know exactly where you are."

"Aw, so you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend?" Ziggy enjoyed their bickering and interwined her fingers with Wes'.

"You wanna come over tonight? My parents are out of town." She whispered the last part into his ear.

Wes nodded and smiled as he understood what it meant. Watching their favourite movies, making cookies, sex, cuddles, everything they loved to do together.

"And you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend!" Amber fake-gagged at them, at which the blonde laughed.

"Is that because, you guys haven't had sex yet?" The Roberts girl made fun of them and Amber laughed at it.

"Anyway, you're actualy bringing up a very good point. Not that I want to sound like the stereotypical jock, trying to get into his girlfriend's pants."

"Don't do it, Liv. There's a psycho out there. You make yourself hard to find. Delete social media, tape over your phone camera, disable GPS." Wes listed.

"Ah, yes. Than you very much, Edward Snowdene." Wes gave him a sarcastic smile and Ziggy gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"Actualy, your mother just interogated me about Tara's attempted murder, which was very fun." Chad continued and Ziggy joined the conversation. "Yeah, me too. I actualy love your mom." Wes cringed a little and Ziggy laughed at him.

"I'm sure she's asking everybody. I mean Ghostface is back."

"The press still isn't saying Ghostface." Mindy spoke for the first time. "My mom doesn't want to cause a panic." He answered her and Ziggy started thinking.

"And your mom is like 100% sure, that this was Ghostface? I mean it could've been just some random person taking their anger out. Like it has happened before, so it can surely happen again." Ziggy theoritized. "No, she's sure..."

"It'll come out by the second or third killing." Mindy got back to the old conversation.

"Jesus, Mindy, there wasn't a first killing. Tara's alive." Amber grimaced as she spoke, while Mindy smiled sarcasticly.

"Mmh, I mean, she could still die." Mindy shrugged. "What the fuck, Mindy?" Ziggy looked at the girl in disbelief and Amber nodded, agreeing with the girl.

"Or the killer could come back for her." She continued and all eyes were on her. "Fuck, Mindy! Come on." Chad added.

"I'm telling you, arm up, okay? Pepper spray? Check. Taser? Check." The blonde boy listed and Ziggy cringed a little. "Surprisingly has a pretty girlfriend? Check!" They all laughed at Amber. "Nice, thank you."

"Oh shit, is that Vince?" Liv suddenly looked behind them. "Wait, the creepy tough boy you worked with last summer?"

"Yeah, he worked with us and Tara." Liv pointed at herself and Ziggy. Wes then disconnected their fingers and placed his hand around her.

"He worked with Tara?" Amber suddenly asked. "He's been stalking my instagram the last couple of weeks, posting the creepiest shit." Liv told them and Mindy took a picture of him, because of that, he waved at them and Ziggy turned from him to look at her boyfriend.

"Probably the time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw." Chad showed off his muscles and Ziggy cringed a little. But she had to admit it was cute, how he tried to protect his girlfriend.

"Maybe not the best idea to insight violence right in front of the sherrif." Liv pointed at Ms. Hicks.

"Looks like he's leaving." They noticed as he spit out his gum. "Thanks anyways, boys." She touched Chad's arms, but he winced. "Tara said she fought back hard, you've got bruises."

"It's from football practice!" Chad defended himself and Ziggy looked at her phone, when she got a notification from Tara.

"Tara's awake! She just texted me." The blonde announced and they all looked at her. "Imma go to the hospital, you guys coming?" Wes got up first and took her hand, Mindy and Chad soon joined them.

"Oh, I can't but I'll meet you guys later." Wes and Mindy gave her a suspicious look. "Alright." Chad kissed her and they made their way to the parking lot.

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