CHAPTER TWO: the bar.

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The group was sitting around Tara's bed, talking, until the door opened, inturupting them. Sam and some guy walked in and the group stood up at the sight of them. "How're you feeling?" She crouched next to Tara's bed. 

"You came." Tara smiled. And Ziggy smiled at the sight of the reunited sisters. "Of course I came. This is my boyfriend, Richie."

"It's so nice to meet you and I'm so sorry, if I'm intruding." The latina waved at him, while Sam made her way to the friend group. "Nice to meet you too."

She hugged Chad, Mindy and now Wes. "Hi, thank you for calling." He nodded. "Of course." Sam then moved to Ziggy, hugging her tightly. "Hey." Ziggy smiled brightly at her. "Hi." After Sam backed away from them to Richie, she noticed Wes and Ziggy holding hands.

"So, you two are a thing now?" She asked and Ziggy smiled and blushed a little. "Yeah." Sam smiled at them. "Yeah, I remember you both talking to me about havig a crush on each other, when you were like 5."

"These are Chad and Mindy, the twins. Wes and Ziggy. I used to babysit them all." Sam moved on from revealing their crushes. "Which is how I always like to be introduced." 

"And Amber, hey." Her smile faded a little. "Hi, nice to see you." Richie them turned to them. "Hi, I'm Richie." He told them, looking at Amber. "Hi."

"Where's mom?" Sam changed the topic. "She's stuck at a conference in London. She called me earlier." Tara answered. "Yeah, for whole ten minutes."

"Uh, look guys, Tara is really tired. Maybe we should just give her some space." Amber told them, when she noticed the look on Tara's face. They all agreed and walked to the door. "I'll call you later, okay?"

Tara nodded. "Not you, Sam. I want you to stay." Tara stopped her. "Okay." She nodded. "But the rest..." Chad looked behind him and both Wes and Ziggy nodded. The four walked out and Amber soon joned them.

"Do you guys wanna go to the bar?"


"So what is she like? The sister." Liv asked as the group stood in the bar, playing polo. "oh, Sam? Sam is so cool."

"You only say that, because she let you wear Pokemon onesies to bed for a year." Mindy made fun of her brother. "That's true. That's a true statement."

"No, trust me, Sam is not cool." Amber stated. "Her dad left her mom, right? Walked out whe Tara's eight, Sam's thirteen. Sam started acting out, getting in trouble with the cops, and then on Sam's eightteenth birthday, she leaves. Ghosts them all. Maybe Sam's changed, I just don't want to see Tara hurt again."

"So now you're protecting Tara from her own family? Seriously?" The blonde furrowed her brows. "Well, someone has to."

"You know, let's just move on." The blonde said and the group agreed. "Yeah, but we're all suspects." Mindy said and Amber gave her a weird look, which Ziggy noticed. 

"Except maybe Liv." Mindy said right after Chad raised his glass. "Thank you." The pink haired girl said in a soft tone. "You're way too boring to be a psycho." 

"Yo, Liv, Ziggy. You two want real drinks?" The creep, Vince called at them and Wes immediately wrapped a hand around the smaller girl, knowing how uncomfortable she was right now.

"Or are you happy sitting at this kids' table." Wes was about to walk towards him, but Ziggy pulled him back, unfortunately, Liv didn't do the same with Chad.

"Hey, listen up, uglier Michael Myers. It was a summer fling, it meant nothing. Plus Zigs didn't have anything with you." Chad protected them. "Was I talking to you?" 

"I don't fucking care who're you talking to." He raised his voice. "Liv, Ziggy, let's go." Ziggy cuddled up into Wes' side even more as he looked at the two. "Don't you fucking talk to them! I don't wanna fucking hear your goddamn voice!"

Vince then suddenly took out a knife and Ziggy gasped. She would've never thought, that he would be capable of such a thing. "You better shut the fuck up."

"Hey! Get out of here or I'm calling the cops." The woman behind the counter shouted at him. "Go!" Chad shouted at him. "I'll see you soon, sweetheart."

"Man, fuck you." Chad said and Ziggy sighed when he finally left. "You kids too." The woman told them and they walked to the door. "You see that shit?"

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