CHAPTER TEN: the attack.

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Ziggy joined Anika in the living room and tried reading her book to tune out Chad repeating 'Core Five'.

"Guys. What the hell." Anika turned the volume up. "We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter, one of the survivors of Woodsboro killings in 2022, seen here attacking a woman on the street last night."

They showed the video from after the party, when Sam was shouting at the girl who threw her drink at Sam. 

The reporter kept talking about Sam, until Sam turned it off and walked to the table. Tara walked after her.

The three soon joined them, when they saw Sam crying. "Hey. Hey. Just a reminder, not a single person in this room hates you. Okay? We have all been through some fucked up stuff, and we're coping with it differently. But, I mean, we moved here together for one very specific reason. We're a team."

"We are the Core fucking Five." Mindy said. "Thank you very much." He high fived her. "Ah, I hate myself."

"You said it." Ziggy cringed. "That's what I'm talking about. It's the Core Five." Chad smiled. "Say it." Mindy turned to Ziggy. "No way."

She turned to Tara. "I'm not gonna say it. I mean, yes, we're a team, but...." They all laughed. "I've been sleeping with Cute Boy from across the hall."

"I fucking knew it!" Tara clapped. "Nice one!" Ziggy high fived Sam. "You called it." Mindy laughed. "I knew it from the day you had that hickey."

They kept laughing and talking about some stupid stuff, until they all got a message at the same time. They looked at it and Ziggy's eyes watered, when she saw a picture of Quinn getting attacked by Ghostface.

Quinn screamed and Tara and Ziggy tried to run in her room, but Chad caught Tara and Sam caught Ziggy.

They all watched the door silently. "Run." Mindy said and at the same time, Ghostface opened the door and threw Quinn's lifeless body at them.

It landed on Ziggy making her scream. "Oh my god!" She yelled in high pitched voice and Sam helped her get Quinn off her. 

Ghostface than walked to them and slashed Mindy's arm, making her scream out of pain. Anika caught Ghostface's foot, but he started chocking her, while Ziggy and Sam ran to the kitchen for their knifes. 

They found the knife holder, but it was empty. Someone took their fucking knifes. "Fuck!" Ziggy shouted and took the knife holder out of Sam's hands. She ran in the living room and punched Ghostface with it, who was litteraly gutting Anika.

The four ran in Quinn's room and Ghostface was banging the door, that they locked and Sam held them. "Ziggy. Bathroom door. Hurry." Sam whispered.

Ziggy looked behind her and saw the door wide open and quitely walked towards it. But then she looked at her left and saw a dead dude in a bathtub. "Oh god! He's dead!"

Ghostface then appeared in front of the door and Ziggy screamed out of shock. She tried to close the door, but Ghostface was quicker and stabbed her in her lower waist. 

She screamed as she threw the door at Ghostface and Sam ran to help her. They managed to close the door and baricade it with a cabinet.

Ziggy held her bleeding wound as Danny shouted at them. The blonde stayed leaned on the cabinet as Danny connected their windows with a ladder.

"You three go first. Ziggy!" Sam shouted at her. "What? No! I need to hold the door. Go! We'll be right behind you." 

Sam crawled through the window. And Danny helped her in. "Ziggy! Go!" Mindy yelled at her. "What? No, I can't! "

"Yes, you can! Stop bleeding here and go!" She looked at her and crawled through the window. She took it step by step and kept groaning as her stomach hurted.

Sam helped her in and she leaned againts the wall and held her wound to stop the bleeding. After a few minutes, Mindy joined them and all the screaming was getting quiter and quiter for Ziggy, until it was all black.

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