CHAPTER FOUR: ghostface.

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After Mindy's theories, the couple made their way to Wes' house. They walked in and saw Judy with a knife in her hand. "Jesus." Wes said as they both jumped. "Are you being safe out there, honey?"

"To the point, that all my friends mock me." He showed her his taser. "True." Ziggy chuckled. "Good boy."

"What's for dinner?" Wes asked his mom. "Sushi. I was just leaving to pick it up. Are you staying for dinner, honey?" Judy asked Ziggy, who nodded. "If it's okay." Judy nodded. "Of course, it is."

"I gotta go, so it doesn't get all smooshie. I know you don't like it. Go take a shower, I'll be back soon." Wes nodded and Judy walked out of the house. Wes locked the door and Ziggy looked at him. "What?"

"Nothing." She smiled at him. "Come on." He draged the n. She placed a kiss on his nose. "I love you." His cheeks turn red a little. "I love you too, Zig." He kissed her on the lips. The kiss became more passionate, to the point where his hands were under her shirt, placed on her waist.

She pulled away after a moment and looked up at him. "Go take a shower." She pecked his lips and walked up the stairs to his room, leaving him standing there.

Ziggy laid down on Wes' bed, with her headphones on, Stargirl Interlude playing, while she read one of the books, she left there.

The boy then finally came back and gave her a kiss as he sat down next to her. She pulled the headphones off her head and watched him change. 

The couple made their way downstairs to prepare the table. Wes took the plates, while Ziggy took the chopsticks and soy sauce. The boy then took out some ice and placed it in three glasses, that Ziggy prepared.

That was until they both heard a strange noise. It sounded like if someone opened the door. But Ziggy knew it was too early for Judy to be back, so she took Wes' hand in her own and walked towards the door. "Mom?"

Ziggy gasped, when she noticed the door wide open. "Mom?" Wes called out again. No response. They walked to the door and Wes closed and locked it. Just when Ziggy was about to turn around, a sharp object entered her back. 

She let out a loud scream as Ghostface took a step back from them. "Zig!" Wes shouted. Ghostface then walked forward and threw the blonde to the side, her head colliding with the corner of a shelf.

Ghostface then tried to attack Wes, but he held the hand against him and tried to push him away. The blonde boy tried to take his taser, but Ziggy used the very last strenght that was in her and kicked Ghostface.

But since she had an open hole in her back, it didn't do much. She was starting to see less and less as she was about to pass out. The last thing she saw, was Ghostface's knife going through Wes' neck.

He fell down to the floor next to Ziggy, who tried to scream, but nothing was coming out of her mouth. She took his hand into her own, for the last time and closed her eyes, ready to go.


Ziggy groaned when she woke up. The lights were hurting her eyes and she couldn't feel half of her body. "You're awake." A voice stated. The girl looked beside her and saw Tara.

Her eyes immediately filled with tears. "Oh god, is he..." She couldn't bring herself to say it. "Yeah." Tara looked down. "I'm so sorry, Zigs."

The blonde looked at her, but then they heard a noise from the hallway. Ziggy's breathing fastened as she knew what was coming.

"Hello?" Tara called out. No answer. "Hello?" This time it was Ziggy who loudly spoke. Still no answer. "Fuck this." She ripped off all the cables that she was connected to, Ziggy doing the same. 

The blonde helped her into the wheelchair and they went to the hallway. The lights suddenly went off and Ziggy gasped. She really didn't like this. Tara's phone started ringing and Ziggy was about to go get it, but the smaller girl stopped her. 

"No, leave it. Let's go." The blonde helped Tara wheel out of the room and after a few seconds, they found a dead cop. Tara's hand went to her mouth and Ziggy's eyes widened. She looked for his gun, but it wasn't there.

"His gun's not here." She told her. "What? No, it has to be there." Tara denied. "It's not here."

The two girl got into a random room they found and Ziggy picked up a phone to protect them. "Shh, it's okay. We're gonna be okay." She tried to calm down Tara, who was sobbing, even though her cheeks were covered in tears as well.

Suddenly, someone walked through the door and Ziggy punched them with as much force as she could find. She dropped the phone and found out, that the person was Richie. What was he doing there?

"Goddamn it." He complained as he held his head. "Richie?" Tara asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Sam called. She said, that you're in trouble. Did you hit me with the phone?" He asked, but before any of them could say anything else, Ghostface appeared right behind him. "Watch out!"

The person in the mask slashed Richie's arm and tried to stab him, but he held their hand, so Ghostface threw him in the wall. Ziggy pushed a shelf on them and tried to take Tara out of there as fast as she could.

Ghostface recovered quickly and picked up Richie's ringing phone. "Hello, Samantha." They spoke. "Richie can't come to the phone right now. He's finding out what happens to people, who stick their nose into bussines, that doesn't concern them."

"I'll tell you what, you can choose. I'll only kill two. Who do you want to hear dying?" Ghostface got closer to them. "Really? You can't save your own sister? All you have to say is 'kill Richie and Ziggy'"

Ghostface slashed the side of Ziggy's waist and she screamed in pain. She fell to the ground and Ghostface then pushe Tara out of her wheelchair, making her fall to the ground as well. Ziggy tried to get up, but Ghostface made her stay on the ground every time.

The two girls crawled to the elevator as Ghostface walked behind them with a knife with his hands, that had Ziggy's blood on. "Last chance to save one. Choose!" 

"You wanna know why, Sam? Maybe it's because you're a selfish bitch, who can't even make the decision to save the life of someone you love. Maybe you're too weak for this franchize." He said as he stepped next to Ziggy. 

Ziggy turned around and saw Ghostface above her. She cried as he raised his knife. She closed her eyes and waited for him to finish her, but instead she heard gunshot. She opened her eyes and noticed Sam running to Tara and Dewey running to her. 

Dewey helped her up as she cried. "It's okay. I got you. Everything's gonna be okay." He comforted her, but that didn't stop the pain in her waist and her back. 

But suddenly, Ghostface jumped at Dewey, which made Ziggy lose her balance and fall to the ground. Ghostface pinned Dewey to the wall and Richie helped Ziggy up and to the elevator. "Dewey!"

He quickly got Ghostface off himself and shot them a few times. He helped Ziggy once again and they made it to the elevator. Sam held crying Tara and Dewey held crying Ziggy, until he realized something. 

"You have to always shoot them in the head, or they come back." He left the elevator. "Dewey, who gives a fuck?" Sam called after him. "I do."

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