CHAPTER NINE: the project.

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Ethan and Ziggy were sitting together on Ziggy's bed, finishing the project for one of their classes. "I need a break, my brain isn't funcioning anymore."

"Of course." Ethan nodded. "What do you wanna do?" He asked and Ziggy shrugged. "I don't know."

"Do you want to... finally tell me what happened a year ago?" Ethan asked and the blonde froze. He asked before and she just promised to explain it some other time. Well, this was the other time. She slowly nodded.

"Amber Freeman gave me this." She turned around, lifted her shirt. "And this." She showed him her other scar on her waist. "Oh my god, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. It's not like there was anything you could do about it." He nodded slightly. "She attacked Tara, almost killed her. Just to lure Sam back to Woodsboro. Then murdered a few people. And after that, she gave me my first sar, when she tried to kill me and my boyfriend, my Wes."

Ziggy paused as tears filled her eyes. "So I got to the hospital, but Amber attacked us there too and killed Dewey. And that's the story behind this scar. Then me, Sam, Tara and Richie decided to leave the town, but Richie tricked us, and we got to Amber's house, where she and Richie tried to kill us all. They killed Liv and tried to kill the twins, so Sam killed Richie and I... I killed Amber."

"Jesus, Zigs, I am truly so sorry." He held her hand. "Do you want some ice cream? I need an ice cream." He chuckled. "Yeah, sure." 

After a few minutes Ziggy walked back in her room with two ice creams and a smile on her face. "Here you go." She passed him the ice cream. "Thank you."

"So, what's your biggest secret?" Ethan looked at her with a horrified expression. "What?" He chuckled.

"I just told you mine. So, what's yours?" He looked releifed, which Ziggy noticed. "I don't think I have any. I never did anything that bad."

Ziggy nodded. "Okay. Isn't that boring" He chuckled. "No, at least I don't live in fear, that someone will find out." Ziggy nodded again.

She looked him in the eyes and they stayed like that for a few seconds. That was until Ethan's eyes slipped to Ziggy's lips. 

The two kept leaning in, until their lips connected. After a minute or two, they parted to catch their breath. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Shut up." Ziggy smiled and pulled him in for another kiss. After they parted, Ziggy started laughing. 

"Shit. I'm sorry, I have to go. I have econ." Ziggy nodded. "Yeah, of course." She smied at him and gave him a quick kiss. "Bye."

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