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Warning, this chapter has mentions of assualt and harassment.

☆Warning, this chapter has mentions of assualt and harassment

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Giana's POV

I lay on Dejaun's chest while he scrolled on his phone. My thighs on either sides of his legs.

"Bae," I call and he hums in response.

"Mi hungry," I anounced and he looks away from his phone and to me. "Yuh know weh e kitchen deh eno Gianna." He hissed.

Bruh what?

"Cho, because I wanna know a wah so fucking important pan your phone weh mek mi cyah talk to you"

At this point I'm just a toy to this nigga. Sex and no conversation.

"No badda start wid yuh fuckery,"

I pushed myself off of him so I was now seated on the bed. I slid on the fluffy hello kitty slippers I left at his house and made my way out of the room in the huge oversized T shirt he gave me. The reason why I had asked is because his brother scares me.

I have been in this house six times already and his brother was always trying to get closer to me for whatever reason. I tried to tell himonmultiple occasions but he looked it over.

As I made my way down the stairs I hear a door slam from upstairs. I spun abrutly to see it was the room I had just left. Is he serious right now?
Kiss my fucking teeth.

Deciding that I still needed my water, I head directly for the kitchen where his father sat around the island with his eyes squinted at his phone. Immediately I grew selfconsious, covering my thighs with the material of the oversized shirt.

"Good evening, Mr Grey," I greet him, waiting for a response. I no longer wanted the water anymore.

"Giana," He nods at me, looking me over.

"May I have a glass of water please?" I motion towards the cups in the cupboard. The man's eyes lingered on my legs before snapping back up to my face.

"You may help yourself, Ma'am" I hesitantly walk past him, going to the cupboard for a glass which I then fill with water. I could feel his eyes on me.

It was no secret that Phill Grey had a thing for children.
I just learned to not make it be a problem in I and Dejaun's relationship.

I place the cup in the sink before scurring back to the staircase, the door was locked when I tried turning the knob."Dejaun open the door nuh," I knock softly on the door getting irritated with his bullshit. He is so fucking sensitive.

I respected his parents home enough to not bang down the door and shout.

I pressed my ear against the door to hear what was going on.

"Yow, a who dis?" He shouted.


"......." I hear a voice on the other end though I couldn't make out what was being said.

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