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As I was sitting in the stall I felt my eyes get crowded with tears. I know that I'm supposed to be happy for Vanessa but I just can't. She doesn't even like Malachi, shes just dating him because he's an actor and she wants attention from his fans. The she looks at him compared to how he looks at her, is two different things.

She looks at him like how she looks at everyone else, but he looks at her like shes the most beautiful girl in the world, in his eyes, shes a highlighter in a room full of pencils, she gives him life.

He deserves someone who also sees him as a highlighter in a room full of pencils. What he doesn't deserve, is to be seen as a pencil in a room of highlighters, He deserves better.

I too wish to be a highlighter in someones eyes, I too wish to feel the feeling of equally returned love that for some reason everyone gets but me.

I too wish to stop being seen as a dull pencil.

I too wish to just be seen.

I sat on the toilet staring at the stall door until I heard the bell ring. I sighed loudly knowing it was time for my math class. Should I even go? I mean, it won't hurt if I skip one class today, right?

I decided to just skip Math class and skip in the bathroom. Everything was going well until I got a text from Malachi.

 Everything was going well until I got a text from Malachi

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Hey where are you rn? I don't see you in class

Sun ☀️🎧
I'm skipping in the bathroom im not gonna show up

oh alr you okay tho? you kinda disappeared at lunch earlier

Yea im fine dw

okay well see you next period?


I turned off my phone and just stared at the bathroom walls in the stall. I was reading what people were putting on the stalls until I read something that made my heart stop.

"I heard that Sunnee Perez is like really depressed and is a bitch who isnt going to get no where in life LOL"

As I read it my heart sank. Who would write this? I took a sharpie out of my backpack and was about to scribble over the whole thing when I suddenly stopped. This handwriting looks familiar. But I can't put my finger on who it could belong to.

I took out my phone and took a picture of it just incase I remembered later. I started scribbling over the whole thing and when I finished, I heard someone walk into the bathroom.

Lacy || Malachi BartonWhere stories live. Discover now