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In the midst of the party's chaos, I sought refuge in the numbing embrace of alcohol, each sip a fleeting escape from the heavy burden of my emotions. With each passing moment, the warmth of intoxication failed to dispel the cold grip of my despair.

The laughter and cheers became distant echoes as I swayed with an unsteady rhythm, drowning not only in the intoxicating liquid but also in the isolation of my own thoughts.

My eyes, glazed with a mixture of sadness and inebriation, reflected a fractured spirit attempting to find solace in the temporary haze of the party, where the flickering lights mirrored the transient nature of my momentary relief.

Lost in the swirling chaos of the party, I surrendered to the numbing allure of alcohol, hoping its temporary reprieve could silence the haunting echoes in my mind. With each careless sip, the laughter and music morphed into a distant melody, overshadowed by the weight of my own melancholy.

The world around me blurred into a fragmented mosaic, much like the shattered pieces of my own spirit. As I stumbled through the sea of revelers, the alcohol failed to erase the heavy ache within, leaving me adrift in a haze of despair.

In the flickering lights and boisterous cheers, I found no refuge, only a temporary escape that served as a painful reminder of the deeper darkness lurking beneath the surface.

In the throes of despair, I clung to the deceptive comfort of the liquid escape. Each sip felt like a fleeting reprieve from the relentless thoughts that tormented my mind. The burn of the alcohol became a welcome distraction, momentarily eclipsing the weight of my emotions.

The rhythmic motion of raising the glass and swallowing its contents provided a semblance of control over the chaos within.

Yet, with every gulp, the numbness I sought remained elusive, the temporary relief giving way to a deeper ache.

In the deceptive allure of the drink, I chased a fleeting solace, hoping to drown the echoes of sadness that reverberated within the confines of my restless soul.

I looked up from my cup that was filled with a mixture of all sorts of things, my eyes met with Malachis and I quickly turned away grasping my cup even harder and chugging whatever was left inside.

As I turned around to re fill my drink I see him moving towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to why he was coming towards me.

I brought the cup to my lips once again, but before the alcohol could reach the inside my mouth I felt the cup get ripped away from my hand.

A soft, steady hand reached for the cup cradled in my unsteady grasp, gently urging me to relinquish the toxic elixir that threatened to drown my sorrows. His words, though gentle, carried a weight of undeniable truth.

– I had consumed too much. In that moment, his intervention felt like a lifeline, a compassionate act of protection against my own self-destructive tendencies.

The cup was taken away, leaving me momentarily exposed but grateful for the sobering reality he offered. It was as if he saw through the intoxicated fog, recognizing the fragility beneath, and in that brief interaction, a glimmer of hope emerged amidst the swirling chaos of the party.

"Sunnee you've already had go much to drink, heres some water, you're gonna need it trust me." He said to me over the loud music blaring in my ears while handing me a cup of water to replace the drink I once had in my hand, which now lays in his.

"And please, don't drink anymore you don't need it." I heard him say placing a hand on my shoulder.

I took the water and started drinking it in an attempt to direct his attention elsewhere.

A momentary clarity cut through the alcohol-induced haze. The cool liquid offered a brief respite, a stark contrast to the numbing embrace of the previous drinks.

His act of kindness momentarily lifted the weight on my shoulders, and I sipped the water, feeling a glimmer of gratitude. However, as he moved away, the grip of my turbulent thoughts tightened once more.

The glass of water, now a mere memory, was replaced by the familiar burn of the drink I had sought refuge in.

In that fleeting interlude of sobriety, I tasted the possibility of escape, only to willingly plunge back into the cycle of temporary relief and lingering despair.

Against the backdrop of swirling bodies and pulsating music, a relentless urge propelled me through the crowded chaos. Despite the Malachis well-intentioned plea echoing in my ears, I fought through the mass of revelers, each step a defiant stride toward the familiar allure of the kitchen

The relentless throb of my own desolation pushed me forward, drowning out the cautious voice that lingered in the recesses of my mind.

The promise of temporary numbness beckoned, and I navigated the sea of dancing figures, a determined force seeking solace in the liquid refuge that awaited.

Despite Malachis care, I found myself succumbing to the gravitational pull of the very escape I knew I shouldn't embrace.

I grasped the cup and brought it to my lips my heart telling me to put the cup down and my brain telling me to keep on drinking.

Not even when im drunk, may I have peace at mind.

I swiftly grasped another cup from my kitchen counter and poured a mixture of different things.

I quickly bring the cup to the lips so desperate to feel the burning sensation in my stomach.

I closed my eyes feeling the satisfaction within me. I brought the cup to my lips a second time and drank the mixture of liquids before it once again got ripped away from my unsteady grasp.

"Shit!" I instinctively yelled.

"Sunnee! I thought I told you no more drinks you have had to much." I looked up at the person talking to me to see Mal standing there.

I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away from him. In an attempt to walk away I almost stumbled to the ground from how unstable I was.

I felt a hand grasp mine and start leading me upstairs.

"What the fuck." I managed to whisper having no idea whats going on.

"I'm taking you to your room, go to bed and rest, im gonna leave this water and Tylenol here by your bed for when you wake up because lord knows you're gonna need it." Mal said to me while opening my bedroom door.

I immediately crashed onto my bed and started to get comfortable, I am so grateful that I decided not to wear makeup, I would not have been able to take it off.

"Thanks Mal." I mumbled slightly while being engulfed into my pillows.

Once he left I immediately went to sleep.

As I lay with him at mind, I shall rest peacefully for the rest of time.

Lacy || Malachi BartonWhere stories live. Discover now