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Once the bell rang I quickly left the class with Mal right behind me. I met up with Leilani and we started walking to class together.

"So are you excited for tomorrow?" I asked Leila.

"Oh my gosh yes! I can't wait." She replied with a big smile.

We walked into class and went into the very back. While me and Leila were talking Malachi walked in with Vanessa.

Once me and Leilani saw this we both immediately side eyed each other thinking the same thing.

We both don't like her, but of course we have keep it between us.

They sat in front of us and started talking.

"Babe lets post a picture on insta come here." Vanessa said to mal.

She didn't even give Mal time to answer before taking his phone and hanging it to me so I can take a picture.

I slightly rolled my eyes and took the picture and handed the phone back to her.

She went onto his instagram and posted it making sure the first thing she did was tag herself.

Me and Leila looked at each other knowing her true intentions.

This is why Leilani is the only person I count as a friend, she doesn't even know I like Malachi, she just also doesn't like Vanessa.

The whole class they were talking extremely loudly. I decided to go onto insta and check the comments on their post.

 I decided to go onto insta and check the comments on their post

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Liked by Vanessa.415 and 2.4 million others

@MalachiBarton: @Vanessa.415 ❤️❤️

@User13: you guys are so cute!!

@user29: cute!!

@User40: that should be me 💔
^@user10: no literally.
^@user14: @user18 us core

@User15: am i the only one who find their relationship kinda off like shes using him or something.

^@user25: no i totally agree in every picture of them together theres no caption just her @ and a few emojis to make it stand out. Malachi always has at least a few words in his captions so its clearly written by her, and a lot of captions are written by her considering pictures of her and him are flooding his insta page. Also in almost every video she just HAS to point out that shes dating him idk its kinda weird..

^@User10: you guys are just jealous that they have a good relationship stop trying to ruin it.

I liked the comment thread made by user 15 because I agree too, but I obviously can't comment anything. I'm just so glad someone else noticed it.

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