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after 4th period i had 5th period with mal.  im honestly dreading going to 5th because of what i just found out of mal. it makes me sick to my stomach to think that hes one of those guys who cheats.

even though there isn't any proof he cheated on vanessa its still very clear that stacy didn't have the intentions of only being friends with him.

at this point i don't even know what to think anymore. i sat down next to him still very eery about what he does.

"hey sun." he says smiling at me.

"hey malachi." i say sitting down with him which makes him look at me.

he looks over at me furrowing his eyebrows confused on why i didn't call him "mal" like i normally would.

"everything okay?" he asked me trying to look at my face.

"everything's fine im okay." i say still not looking at him in the face.

the worry on his face was as broad as daylight, the only time i ever called him malachi was the first week when we met then i just started calling him mal.

but after what i found out he doesn't deserve that nickname anymore. he doesn't even deserve to be talking to me right now.

i may not like vanessa but what he did was fucked up. especially because i know found out that hes been talking to stacy. didn't she just wanna fight me?

"sun whats wrong?" he asked me again putting his hand on my shoulder. the way he kept constantly asking me was getting me to my breaking point.

"did i do something wrong?" that was my last straw. i looked over at him an annoyed look plastered on my face.

yeah actually you DID. how come i have to find out myself that youve been talking to stacy? you fucking knew she didn't like me but you leave vanessa for what? so you can go hoe around with some other bitch who likes to fight people for no damn reason? you know she doesn't like me at all but you still fucking talk to her? are you fucking kidding me malachi? what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU." i yelled at him getting the whole classes attention to the point that even the teacher stopped teaching. once i finished yelling i grabbed my things and stormed out the classroom.

i was fuming with rage, i really tried to keep myself calm but the way he kept nagging me was making it really hard. i didn't even care that i embarrassed him. at this point i don't give a fuck.

as i walk through the hallways of my school the intercom came on.

"Sunnee Perez, if you are in the building please report to the front office." shit, i walked down the stairs and to the front office.

the lady sitting there smiled at me and pointed inside the room where all the office workers are at.

"go inside there and they'll tell you where to go." the lady said to me.

i went inside and i asked where i was supposed to go.

"where am i supposed to go? i got called down to the office." i asked them.

"go down this hallway to your right all the way down then go to your left until you see a room thats labeled conference room." the office worker gave me the directions and off i went.

once i walked in i saw emme, leilani, and anthony.

"what the hell are you guys doing here?" i asked in a confused manner.

emme looked at me and spoke up first, " me and leilani got sent here because we started yelling at stacy and calling her things that the teacher definitely did not like." she said as she leaned back in her chair.

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