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After school ended I went straight home and went to sleep.

Next morning

In the soft morning light, I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a heavy weight upon my chest. The world outside my window is painted in gentle hues of pink and orange, but to me, it's just another daunting day ahead. I lie in bed, feeling the suffocating grip of depression tugging at me, urging me to stay buried under the safety of my covers. With great effort, I finally sit up and lets out a weary sigh.

As I move through my morning routine, the world seems to blur around me. The sunlight that filters through the window offers no warmth, and the chirping of birds feels like distant echoes. Each step I take feels heavier than the last, as if im carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. Even the simple act of making breakfast feels like an insurmountable task, and I can barely bring myself to eat.

Throughout the day, I find myself going through the motions, my mind clouded with a sense of numbness. I walk through the bustling streets, feeling like an outsider in my own life. The smiles and laughter of those around me seem foreign, unattainable. I long to reach out, to connect, but the invisible barrier between me and the world feels impenetrable.

Despite the heaviness in my heart, I push through the day, forcing myself to fulfill my obligations. Every smile feels like a mask, every laugh a facade. I yearn to break free from the suffocating grip of my thoughts, to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and the joy of being alive. But the shadows of depression cling to me like a relentless shadow, refusing to loosen their hold.

With every step I take feeling heavier than the last I walk into the liquor store and get a bunch of different drinks.

I thoroughly looked through the shelfs and ended up with about 15 bottles.

I went up to the cashier and put the stuff down.

"ID?" He asked.

I pulled out my fake ID which surprisingly looks very real, to make it more believe able I just put that I'm 21 so that me looking young makes sense.

He handed me back my ID and rang up the bottles.

I walked back to my house the world around me was a blur I couldn't focus on whats around me it felt as if everything was distorted.

After a few minutes I looked up and saw that I was in front of my house door.

I walked inside and set all of the bottles on my kitchen counter.

I opened the cabinet next to the cereal and brought out all of the non expensive alcohol sitting in there.

I put out about 150 red cups because I know people are messy, I locked my parents room and my siblings room so that no one goes in there.

My siblings are at our grandmas home because my parents don't trust me to take care of three kids considering I can't even take care of myself.

Good thing they are 13, 12, and 10. So our grandma will have help around the house.

After setting up my house I sat on the couch and went onto instagram.

After setting up my house I sat on the couch and went onto instagram

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Lacy || Malachi BartonWhere stories live. Discover now