Chapter 1

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Leaning over the toilet again, puking out more flower petals-again! he had lost count of how long he'd been in the bathroom coughing up flowers and blood, specifically marigolds. "He" loved marigolds not that he would know,he could only tell from the way the man would drink tea made from marigold leaves during breaks and how he never moved to tend another area before tending to the marigolds and smelling them. it was bittersweet to this poor soul, not the taste of blood and flowers, but the whole idea of what was wrong with him; he's literally dying but also reminded of who how pathetically in love he is while this happens. It's not like he can confess to levi in any case, they're co-workers, and it isn't like the feelings would be requited.

his condition had only gotten worse since he developed the disease, it used to only be flower petals coming up every now and then, but now he gets shortness of breath. He knows he's capable of going to a hospital to remove the infection, but he was still clinging onto hope, hope that "he"  could ever love him for him, hope that he wasn't unlovable. He was struggling to finish his lesson plans,stacks of unmarked exam papers and essays despite it being a free period and most learners being at the fields. He decided to have a look at the school's garden by the teacher's offices and parking area.

His eyes swept across the garden, taking in all its beauty. The sun was beaming down on the lush greenery, the birds chirping softly in the trees, and the scent of flowers filling the air. Everything was perfect... except for one thing. He couldn't take his eyes off the gorgeous gardener tending to the plants in the middle of the garden. His heart throbbed and his breath quickened as he watched the gardener's muscles flex and bulge as he moved around the garden. He was entranced by this man's beauty and charisma.

He suddenly snapped back to reality as he caught himself staring at the gardener. His cheeks burned with embarrassment as he realized that his thoughts had strayed. He needed to go and talk to the gardener, but he didn't know how. The gardener just seemed too perfect and out of his league. Would the gardener be interested in him? Would they even have anything in common? Erwin was filled with anxiety as he agonized over what to do next.

Just as He was about to turn away and compose himself, the gardener suddenly turned and made direct eye contact with him. He froze, unsure if the gardener had been staring at him the whole time. His eyes became locked on each other's, their gaze penetrating deeper and deeper into each other's souls. It was like time stood still in that moment, and all that mattered was the connection they had just formed. It felt like the spark of a fire had just been lit inside of both of them.

The poor old chap did what his heart and brained screamed at him to do...

He ran back to his class.

Hii it's me again! Please read the previous a/n if you haven't and please vote and comment and possibly follow me if you want to see more of my stories. And I wuv you❤️

Fiery Orange (an eruri fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя