Chapter 6

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Erwin regained consciousness but was still very weak and shaky. His throat was raw and sore from the constant retching and coughing, but he was thankful to be alive and to still be in the gardener's arms.

The gardener gently led Erwin back to the classroom, keeping a close eye on him as he supported him along the way. Erwin could barely get any words out, but he managed to choke out, "Thanks... for... everything... I'm sorry..."

The gardener smiled at Erwin and said, "It's ok, don't apologize. I'm just glad you're ok." He helped Erwin back to his seat, making sure he took it easy and didn't overexert himself. And it was all thanks to the gardener's compassionate and caring efforts that Erwin had been saved. Erwin felt relieved to be okay but was still very shaken and exhausted by the ordeal. He couldn't believe he had almost died just because of his love for someone.

Erwin had started to catch his breath and feel slightly better, but he still didn't feel quite right. He was feeling exhausted and weak, and his throat was sore from the prolonged retching of the hanahaki. The gardener was supporting him and watching over him carefully, but he felt that he should at least introduce himself.

"Sorry... about... before," Erwin said, clearing his throat as he spoke. "We didn't get a chance to introduce ourselves properly. I'm Erwin Smith..."

Erwin felt like he was getting back to his old self as he slowly started to recover from the episode. He was still tired and weak, but the gardener had been very caring and helpful in getting him back on his feet.

As he was trying to talk to the gardener, Levi interjected with a playful dig. "Oh, so you're the one who ran away from me the other day?" Levi said, teasing him.

Erwin couldn't help but chuckle at Levi's teasing tone. He was still feeling very weak, but his energy was slowly returning. Levi seemed like such a playful and lighthearted person, a welcome contrast to the serious and stoic exterior Erwin had gotten an impression of during their first meeting.

"Yep, that was me," Erwin admitted. "Sorry for being rude, I just wasn't feeling well the other day, and I guess I freaked out a little bit when you looked at me."

"Well you shouldn't be... I'm Levi,Levi Ackermann"...

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