Chapter 3

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Erwin was in a hurry to get to the bathroom because his hanahaki had started to act up. As he stormed across the courtyard, he felt something brush against his arm and saw the gardener standing in front of him. His heartbeat sped up as he realized it was the gardener standing in his way, and his throat tightened with nerves as they stood face to face yet again.
The gardener stood there, a look of concern on his face as he looked into Erwin's eyes. Erwin couldn't believe how beautiful the gardener was, and he was speechless.

Erwin felt his throat tighten more and more as his hanahaki continued to flare up. He was trying to suppress the urge to cough to avoid drawing the gardener's attention, but it was too much. He felt the marigolds rising up in his throat, ready to come rushing out. The gardener saw Erwin's body tense up and saw the distress on his face. "Sir are you alright?let me help you" He stepped forward and took Erwin's arm to help him to the bathroom.

Erwin's vision began to blur as the marigolds overwhelmed him and the pain grew too much to bear. He felt like he couldn't breathe and like the whole world was closing in around him. The gardener knew this was the moment of truth. Was he going to give into the hanahaki and let it take him over? Or would he fight it and live? The gardener didn't know what would happen, but he was prepared to do whatever he could to save Erwin.

Erwin felt like he was about to collapse under the weight of the pressure from his hanahaki. It was like an intense internal battle where his body was fighting against itself. The gardener was squeezing his arm tightly, trying to ground him, his breath racing as he worriedly watched Erwin struggle. The gardener tried to offer silent comfort and keep Erwin's mind off of the pain, but Erwin was too deep in the throes of his hanahaki to focus on anything else.

Erwin could feel himself starting to give into the pain and let the Hanahaki take over. He was exhausted from fighting it for so long and just wanted to let go. The gardener was still holding onto him tightly, trying to support Erwin through this difficult time. It was heartbreaking to watch his struggle through the pain and his body beginning to fail him. The gardener felt like he was powerless to help and wondered if this was going to be Erwin's final moment...

Only The universe knew what would happen next...

Fiery Orange (an eruri fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz