Chapter 7

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Erwin was feeling much better and had almost fully recovered from his sickness, but his worries and confusion had not yet disappeared. He wanted to know what was causing the hanahaki as well as what this meant for his future.

"I've been sick for a while now and I don't really understand why," Erwin told him. "Sorry about the whole thing with the flower petals and the constant coughing and retching. I don't even know what is wrong with me."

Erwin was starting to get flustered as he continued talking with Levi. He was feeling vulnerable and unsure of what to say. He wanted to ask questions about the hanahaki, but he felt like he was already asking way too much of this new person. Levi was seeming more and more compassionate and understanding, but it was still early on and Erwin didn't want to come across as too desperate for his help.

Levi noticed that Erwin had fallen silent and was deep in thought, and he knew that he was probably worrying about his hanahaki. He knew that it was only natural for Erwin to have so many questions given the situation he was in, so he felt like he should explain the concept of hanahaki and why it was happening. After all, he hated seeing the person he loved so much have to go through something like this. He was trying to ease Erwin's worry and to help him understand the reasons behind his illness.

"Hanahaki is caused by unrequited love," Levi explained to Erwin. "It's when you love someone so much and are willing to make a sacrifice or suffer for their sake, but you feel like they don't feel the same way about you. So the more you try to fight it and deny your strong feelings of love, the worse your symptoms of hanahaki get."

Levi had seen people suffer from hanahaki before and had a sense of how devastating it could be. He didn't want Erwin to suffer alone or to deny himself the possibility of happiness.

Erwin was finally starting to understand the concept of hanahaki and why it was happening to him. It was a relief to get some answers and to hear that this wasn't his fault for feeling too much love.

"So what do I do to stop this? I mean, I don't want to die from this illness. How can I make it stop?"

Hello,beloved little humans!I haven't been able to update lately due to time not being on my side,I've been writing but due to a situation I'm in I cannot publish regularly yet- and you guys won't support me *dramatically cries* please add this to your reading lists recommend,vote and comment💖I can't continue without knowing that what I'm doing is good.🥲

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