Chapter 5

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Levi Ackermann always had a passion for plants and gardening. He had always loved the way they smelled and how they were so full of life and beauty. But his childhood had not been an easy one. His family was poor so he was forced to drop out of school at 15 and he had even been threatened with enlisting in the military by his uncle. But Levi always followed his heart and decided to flee his home town in search of a better life. He eventually found his way to Sina High School and decided to make a life as a gardener there instead.

Levi had had a hard life, but he had always found comfort and peace in his work as a gardener. It was a peaceful and satisfying job that allowed him to be around the plants he loved and take care of them. He felt like he was making a difference and helping to nurture something beautiful. But there was still one big piece missing from his life. He had never found that one person who could fill his heart with love and make him truly happy.

But alas,Levi had always been a stoic person, rarely showing emotion or talking about his personal life. He could come off as aloof and hard to approach, but he was a good person with a solid heart and a great sense of humor. He had never had much experience with romantic relationships, so he had no idea what to expect or how to navigate the complexities of love.

He knew Erwin since he was a highschool student, captain of the Handball team, President of the German speaking club and the top student of their school He often saw Erwin walking around with his father during breaks and at some point even envied their relationship seeing as he was an orphan. Levi saw Erwin graduate,teach life orientation and coach the Handball team as he studied to be a solid teacher after highschool, he saw Erwin become the history teacher he is now.

Levi was finding it hard to understand why Erwin would be willing to suffer so much for the love of another person. Levi had never experienced such intense pain for the sake of love, so he didn't understand the level of sacrifice Erwin was experiencing for the person he loved. He had trouble understanding how pain could be an expression of love, and was struggling to wrap his head around the magnitude of Erwin's devotion and feelings.


Me writing this knowing that some of y'all are gonna be mad about the previous chapter 😭😭

Fiery Orange (an eruri fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora