Chapter 10

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Erwin was full of self-hatred and self-pity. He hated himself for dreaming about Levi in such a perverse and intimate way. He felt like he was tainted and unworthy of Levi's love. He was a disgusting pervert who had no chance of being with someone like Levi. As he coughed and retched out more marigolds, he felt an overwhelming sense of despair and hopelessness. He felt like he was a burden to his friends and his family and that he would be better off dead.Erwin tried getting up and walking to the bathroom to get the pills Levi made for him, but the pain was like a wave crashing against him and pushing him back down. He felt so weak and tired that he could barely move. He let himself fall on the floor and he curled up into a ball,sharply sobbing, trying to hold on to the last remains of his consciousness The pain was unbearable and was eating away at his mind and body. He wanted to shout out in pain and exhaustion, but he was too weak to do so. He was so delirious that he could barely stay awake.

Erwin took out his phone with shaky and trembling hands. He couldn't think straight or even see clearly, but he had to try reaching out to Levi. He couldn't let himself die like this and he wanted Levi to know how sorry he was.With tears falling down his cheeks and his vision blurred by pain, he tried to type a message to Levi. But all he managed to press was gibberish that was the result of his shaky fingers. He felt even more ashamed and pathetic, knowing that he couldn't even form proper words.Erwin was getting increasingly desperate and frustrated with himself. His weak and shaking fingers were making it almost impossible to type out a coherent message. He was trying so hard to fight back the tears and the exhaustion, but he was at his lowest point and wasn't sure what to do anymore.He tried once more to type out a message to Levi, but all the came out was more gibberish. He hit the wrong letters on his phone screen, his tears blurring his vision and making it even harder to type. He felt like he couldn't do anything right and just couldn't keep going on like this.

Erwin decided to call Levi, hoping that he would hear it and pick up, but Levi's phone was on voicemail. This made his thoughts and feelings of hopelessness and despair intensify. He felt like he had reached his limit and that there was no point in trying to fight anymore. He let out a muffled scream, feeling the pain and the exhaustion consume him. He vomited up more blood and marigolds, feeling like he had failed at everything and like there was nothing left for him to live for,his last day of hope to reach for was sending Levi a voice message for when he does check his phone so he did.The pain was too overwhelming now, and Erwin couldn't take it anymore. He let out a final croak of help "Levi!I don't want to die! PLEASE HELP ME!" only for his phone to fall out of his hands. The effort of it all had finally taken too much of a toll on him, and the last spark of light vanished. His phone lay there on the floor, abandoned and lifeless in the darkness, as he slipped into unconsciousness...a beep sounded but he didn't hear as he lay lifeless on the floor covered in blood, sweat, tears and marigolds.

Levi had spent hours pouring his love and care into making a medicine for Erwin, wanting nothing more than to help him treat and control his hanahaki. In his mind, nothing could have more importance than making this medicine, so he did not bother checking his phone while doing it. But now that he was finally done, he finally checked his phone, hoping to finally hear from Erwin, only to be greeted by a barrage of missed calls and voice messages.Levi was filled with dread and panic as he listened to Erwin's frantic and incoherent voice messages. He couldn't believe that Erwin had gotten so worse that he was trying to text a message while being delirious and exhausted. He couldn't just sit there and listen to these messages, he had to do something to help Erwin.Levi immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed out the door, hoping to get to Erwin before it was too late. He felt like every minute he wasted was another minute of Erwin's life that was lost and that he had to save him.

Levi paused and then cursed himself for not knowing where Erwin lived, he could not have made a bigger mistake. He knew that Erwin lived close to the school but that didn't narrow down his search at all. He was desperate to reach Erwin as soon as possible and didn't know what to do. He wanted to call Erwin's phone but didn't want to risk wasting any more time and energy on a call that could possibly go to voicemail.Levi's heart practically stopped when he heard Erwin's voice message again. He couldn't believe that Erwin had actually managed to speak the address to his home. Despite the pain and exhaustion, Erwin had managed to leave a final message for Levi before blacking out. This gave Levi hope and helped him to push on.Levi jumped over the fence separating the guard house from the actual school yard and ran toward the middle gate at school. He needed to get to Erwin as quickly as he possibly could. The address Erwin had given him was thankfully not too far from the school, so he knew that he could make it.He would save Erwin...

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